Traditions in Norway and Poland!
Traditions in Norway! There are a lot of different traditions in different countries and cultures. Traditions can be based on religion, for example: Norway is a Christian country – therefore it has a lot of christian traditions. We wanted to make this presentation to compare Norwegian traditions to Polish traditions.
Traditions in Norway! New Year’s Day: - The year begins in January. We call 1. January: New Year’s day. This day, most shops and schools are closed. Women’s day: - 8. March is the international women`s day. - In the 1970`s several people worked eagerly for equality and woman’s rights. - In Norway the international women’s day has been celebrated every year since 8. March The Workers day - The international workers day is 1. March. - Many people walk in parades and show witch political cases they stand for.
Christmas - As in many other countries Christmas is a great celebration and holliday. - Chrismas is celebrated with good food, delicious deserts and good company. - We open presents and enjoy ourselves. - It is different what christmas means to different people. To some it means to celebrate the birth of Jesus christ, to others it simply means to have a great time and enjoy their families presens.
Easter - It is Easter in March or April, the time varies from year to year. - Easter is a Christian celebration. - For most people Easter isn`t about religion, but some extra days of after the long winter. - The shops are closed some days and most people get the day of. - Children that goes to school gets a short vacation. Ascension day and Pentecost - 40 days after Easter comes the Ascension day, 10 days after comes the Pentecost (that means 50 days after Easter). - They are both Christian celebrations.
The national day - The 17 th of May is Norway’s national day. - We are celebrating that Norway got it`s own constitution 17 th of May th of May is first and foremost the children’s day, almost every school and kindergarten walks in parades. - It is most common to wear the Norwegian Bunad. - Stunning marching men playing lovely music walks in the front, and then schools and kindergarten walks after age. Confirmation - When we have our confirmation, you get the opportunity to choose your religion yourself. - You have your confirmation at the age of 15.
- It is two ways to have your confirmation: In church and bourgeois. - When you have your confirmation in church, you say yes to continue to follow the Christian religion. - When you have your confirmation bourgeois, you say no to follow the Christian religion. -Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah can remind of a Jewish confirmation. -Girls often use the norwegian feast suit: Bunad. The bunad also exist for men.
Traditions in Poland
New Year's Eve Easter Palm sunday Labour Day Constitution of May 3 All Saints Day Independence Day Christmas The main christmas in Poland
EASTER Easter is the most important Christian holiday. In Poland most of people are Catholics. On those days we celebrate Easter. We bake cakes, make salads, cook eggs and buy ham. In this days we are celebrating the death of Jesus.
PALM SUNDAY is called also The Sunday of the Lord's Passion. Palm Sunday is a Christian moving feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday includes a procession of the assembled worshipers carrying palms, representing the palm branches the crowd scattered in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. The difficulty of procuring palms in unfavorable climates led to their substitution with branches of native trees, including box, yew, willow, and olive.
THE MAIN DISHES ON CHRISTMAS : 1.Borsch 2.Fish 3.Dumplings 4.Herrings 5. Poppyseed Cake
Polish not only celebrating christmas but they have some other occasion 1)Fat Thursday 2)International Women's Day 3)First Day of Spring 4)April Fool's day 5)Children's Day 6)Andrew 7) Mastic Monday 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Comparison Similarities Poland Christian country Only Ascension day Women’s day The Workers day Christmas Easter Confirmation When you have your confirmation in church, you say yes to continue to follow the Christian religion. Norway Christian country Ascension day and Pentecost Women’s day The Workers day Christmas Easter When you have your confirmation in church, you say yes to continue to follow the Christian religion.
Differences Poland In the confirmation people can‘t choose their religion The 11 th of November is Poland’s national day. Mastic day Fat Thursday Norway In the confirmation people can choose their religion The 17 th of May is Norway’s national day. Girls often use the norwegian feast suit: Bunad. The bunad also exist for men.