What is the Kansas Vulnerable Needs Planning System Registry of citizens with vulnerable needs Citizens sign up themselves Facilities sign up themselves Facilities can offer resources Volunteers can sign up through KSERV Information is available to county emergency managers Cost: the system is free to users and citizens
Who are those with vulnerable needs Populations whose members may have additional needs before, during, and after an incident. – Those with disabilities – Elderly – Children – Diverse cultures – Non-English speaking – Transportation disadvantaged
How to plan for those with vulnerable needs Planning for individuals with vulnerable needs we must first: – Identify the number within the jurisdictions – Identify the needs
Vulnerable Needs Population Percentage Per Region 95,061 38, ,349 22,557 96,66623,146 16,190
How to plan for those with vulnerable needs Planning with facilities – Identify the number within the jurisdictions – Identify the number they serve – Identify the needs Partnering with facilities – Identify resources available
Why use the Kansas Vulnerable Needs Planning System? You have nothing currently in place to assist in the planning process for vulnerable needs populations. The system can assist in justification for FEMA reimbursement during certain disasters. The system is offered to the 105 counties and the citizens of Kansas at no cost. Identify resources: The system allows facilities to report resources to have available to the county TO BETTER PREPARE YOUR COMMUNITY!!
Who utilizes the system The system is a resource tool for county emergency managers to utilize as a planning tool first and foremost; secondly can be used in response situations – Planning Tool for Sheltering Estimated total Needs – Transportation – Language limitations – Mobility – Equipment required – Health issues – Service animals
Memorandum of Understanding A signed MOU is required between the county and Kansas Division of Emergency Management to receive access to the appropriate jurisdiction This MOU states the information will be used in an appropriate manner and not released to the public
Are Counties liable for response to people who have registered in the system? To ensure there is no implied commitment to provide response activities, the following disclaimer must be checked “I AGREE” prior to registration submission: “I understand that preparing for emergency events is the responsibility of each citizen. I further understand that by submitting this application, it will be used for the purpose of emergency planning and in no way commits the State of Kansas, and County, United Way 2-1-1, or any other emergency management/first responder organization to provide any additional or specialized goods, services, treatment, or response. I acknowledge and accept that Emergency Management Agencies, Emergency Responders, and any agency working with or in coordination with such agency will have access to the information provided.” Short Answer: NO!
How do citizens register? Online at helpmekansas.org Calling United Way Advocates may assist those without internet and phone services by obtaining the information sheet from the local emergency manager and later enter the information for their client.
How to get registrations from people who are unable to use Web-based system? The United Way system is able to assist a wide variety of people who otherwise might not register due to barriers of entry – for example: No computer access Computer illiterate Non-English speaking Blind or limited sight Physically impaired
How to assure the system contains valid information? UNITED WAY WILL PROVIDE VALIDATION UNITED WAY WILL PROVIDE VALIDATION o United Way will: Validate all new registrations Annually revalidate registrations
System Success Relies on YOU – Advertising the system – Getting the word out for those to sign up – Partnership with others to spread the word Citizens cannot sign up if they do not know it is there