1 Applied Colloid Science and Technology 應用膠體化學 Lectures 1 September 19, 2006 C. Chachi Ou
2 Course Objectives See handout
3 Instructor of the course Dr. Ou was born in Jiangsu, China, grew up in Taiwan. After receiving his B. S. degree from National Chung-Hsing University, he went to United States for graduate school. In 1977 he received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, and joined W.R. Grace & Co. as a research chemist. Over the next 28 years, he devoted himself in industrial R&D. With increasing responsibility at Grace both as a technical professional and a research manager, he has developed and commercialized a number of industrial products. These products cover a wide of applications such as specialty coating for fire and heat resistant, automobile catalytic mounting system, water proofing for masonry, and admixtures for concrete. The majority of these products is proprietary and patented, and brings in a total sale of more than 40 million US dollars annually. Dr. Ou is considered to be one of world foremost expert in vermiculite, a clay mineral that has found a wide variety of industrial applications. He discovered a method of preparing the first industrial nanoclay in 1984; a term did not even exist in the nanotechnology until early 90’s. He has published over 20 technical papers and gave talks to both technical and business audiences using English and Mandarin. He has obtained over 60 patents (including 15 U.S. patents). He retired from Grace in 2005 and is looking other opportunities to share his knowledge and experience.
4 My Expectations from a student of an Elective Course You learn, I guide You will get out what you put in ! Be interactive in & out of classroom Be a thinker Be Inquisitive Learn how to dialog Learn how to give effective presentation Learn the rope of teamwork
5 Course Content Please see handout: Course Outlines
6 Your Expectations Please complete “Your course expectation” form I handed out in class.
7 Happy Learning!