Vance Licht
Apparent “wind” blowing on the moon? Two beams of light from spotlights supposed to be the sun. Footprints staying on the moon’s surface when there is no moisture on the moon whatsoever. TV report in England of the US using a studio with apparent “astronauts”.
The space race was one thing that the US was determined to win, but it was going to be expensive and risky. JFK famously stated that we chose to go because it was hard. The main reason for going to the moon was the Cold War. The Soviets would’ve “cried foul” if NASA tried to cheat their way to the moon. Proving a hoax would’ve been a huge win for the Soviets.
It was rumored that NASA faked the moon landings to prevent further humiliation and to keep receiving funding. NASA raised about $30 Billion to go to the Moon. Some claim it was used to “pay off” many people. NASA would not have risked the public humiliation of astronauts crashing to their deaths on the lunar surface, broadcast on live TV.
It is claimed that the landings helped the US government because they were a popular distraction from the Vietnam War; and so manned landings suddenly ended about the same time that the US ended its role in the Vietnam War.
Bill Kaysing says: Despite close monitoring by the USSR, it would have been easier for NASA to fake the Moon landings, thereby guaranteeing success, than for NASA to really go there. He claimed that the chance of a successful manned landing on the Moon was calculated to be 0.017%.
The foremost idea is that the whole manned landing program was a hoax from start to end. Some claim that the technology to send men to the Moon was lacking or that the Van Allen radiation belts, solar flares, solar wind, coronal mass ejections and cosmic rays made such a trip impossible.
Jim Scotti claims that all the details and events that took place on the moon fit together much too well to be faked in anyway. While Mr. Overstreet thinks that the moon landings were faked. Their argument is quite compelling and the facts against the moon landing in it are very minimal as compared to the arguments for the moon landing.
"Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 20 Sept "The Great Moon Hoax." NASA Science. Web. 20 Sept "Hard Evidence against Moon Landing, Page 1." - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Political Madness, and Other "Alternative Topics" Web. 20 Sept Cnn, Brandon Griggs. "Could Moon Landings Have Been Faked? Some Still Think so - CNN." Featured Articles from CNN. 17 July Web. 20 Sept