PURPOSE To provide you with important information about graduation requirements To help you make well informed decisions about which classes to take your junior year your individual Counselor at: (A-F) (G-O) (P-Z)
PROCESS Get your Registration card from your CAMP teacher. Choose and circle class selections & alternates on your registration card. Take your registration card home and discuss your selections with your parents. Get your PARENT SIGNATURE. Turn your signed registration form into your CAMP teacher. You will upload your selections to the parent/student portal of Powerschool during CAMP.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Credit TypeCredit Required Communication Arts4 credits Social Studies3 ½ credits Science3 credits Math 3 credits Practical Art (IT, FACS, Business)1 credit Fine Art (Art, Music, Theater)1 credit Physical Education/Health2 credits Personal Finance ½ credit Other Electives7 credits Total:25 credits
GUIDE FOR CAREER PLANNING AND PROGRAMS OF STUDY BOOKLET Access this book online at : What will you find in the book? Graduation requirements – pg. 8 Class Descriptions - pgs. 110 – 169 Career Pathways (for help in choosing classes which go along with your intended career) – Pgs
REQUIRED CORE CLASSES YOU MUST TAKE THESE COURSES YOUR JR YEAR You will choose & circle 1 class in each of the following categories Communication Arts th Century American History Math Science Personal Finance 3 ½ credits of the electives of your choice
*HONORS VS. NON HONORS CLASSES Honors classes are denoted by an * on your registration sheet You MUST take 5 honors classes per semester if you are trying to be in the top 10% of your graduating class
CHOOSING ELECTIVES Select and circle 3 ½ credits of electives on your registration card IF you applied to HILLYARD TECHNICAL SCHOOL: You MAY or MAY NOT be accepted. Therefore, you should still choose 3 ½ credits of electives to take at Benton.
CHOOSING ELECTIVE “ALTERNATES” ALTERNATE Classes: Write in 2 year long alternate and 4 sem. alternates on your registration sheet. These are classes you agree to take if your other class selections cannot be filled. IMPORTANT!! ONLY CLASSES CIRCLED ON YOUR REGISTRATION SHEET OR WRITTEN IN AS ALTERNATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOU TAKE NEXT YEAR.
SCHEDULE CHANGES NEXT YEAR You will NOT be allowed to change your schedule into a class not listed on your registration card. ABSOLUTELY NO SCHEDULE CHANGES WILL BE MADE DURING AUGUST REGISTRATION!!!
FAIRLY NEW AND REALLY EXCITING NEW COURSES Career Investigations: Job Shadowing (semester course) Career Investigations: Internship (semester course) Career Investigations: Job Shadowing is a prerequisite (must be taken 1 st ) to Career Investigations: Internship. In the Internship class, you get to intern at a business in the career field of your choice during 4 th block.
THINK ABOUT ACT SCORE NOW! Taking a rigorous course load (honors and core) is best for achieving a high ACT score Required for admittance to most colleges and universities Scholarship $ depend on it IF you have NOT already taken ACT; take 1 st sem Jr. year 2 Fee waivers for those who qualify for free/reduced lunch (1 junior year and 1 senior year)
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND... First and foremost: we place you in classes that are required for graduation. For example: if you failed a class required for graduation this year, we put that class back into your schedule next year. Pay your fees! If you owe money for a course this year, we cannot put you in a course that requires a fee next year For example, if you owe money for Woodworking Tech this year, we cannot put you in Metal Working Tech next year We do our best to fill your course requests, but sometimes it is impossible.
WHAT TO DO ABOUT FAILED COURSES Register for regular junior classes as if you have passed every course up to this point. Counselors will adjust your schedule to make room for you to re-take failures. For example: if you failed a class required for graduation this year, we put that class back into your schedule next year Failed graduation requirements must be re-taken until passed.
THE END QUESTIONS: YOUR COUNSELOR (A-F) (G-O) (P-Z) Stop in the counseling office and make an appointment Or Call Follow us on