How to Survive as a College Student. By: Julian Cramer Welcome To College
Important Topics Budgeting Socializing Banking Cooking NextPrev
Remind yourself why you are in college. You are in college first and foremost for an education. Do not blow the opportunity by neglecting your studies, over socializing, or getting into financial trouble. Next Prev
Set a Budget A budget needs to be set for your spending categories other than tuition and books. Food, Rent, Entertainment, etc. PrevNext
Hit the happy hour Look for places with 2 for 1 drinks or free appetizers when you do go out to eat. Prev Next
Buy used books You will probably find much better prices at than at the college book store, even on used book. Avoid buying new ones if possible. PrevNext
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Socialize at dorm/apartments You don’t always have to go out, invite friends over to your dorm or apartment regularly to keep your social needs met and save money. PrevNext
Use a local bank and debit card If there is not a nearby branch of your current bank, open up one that has a branch on or near campus to maintain convenience and to avoid ATM fees. PrevNext
Budget your spending money for the entire semester At the beginning of the semester, figure out what you have available for spending money each week, and stick to it. PrevNext
Consider a part-time job As long as it doesn’t interfere with your studies, of course. A job could provided extra income to go shopping and enjoy the extra activities that come along with college. PrevNext
Learn to cook If you don’t know how to cook, start learning. It can be healthier and even cheaper than fast food. PrevNext
Shop at thrift stores Check out the local thrift stores for clothes and other household furnishings. PrevNext
Manage your student loans carefully Don’t over borrow, and if you end up borrowing more money than you need, save it in a high interest savings account. Prev Next