WELCOME AND REVIEW OF PROTOCOLS 1.Be active listeners and participate in the activities 2.Do not talk while speakers are presenting 3.Turn off cell phones.


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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME AND REVIEW OF PROTOCOLS 1.Be active listeners and participate in the activities 2.Do not talk while speakers are presenting 3.Turn off cell phones not being used for professional activity associated with professional development and training for the day 4.Be courteous to others at your table and group 5.Please provide productive feedback on activities and training activities for the waiver day

GOALS FOR OUR WAIVER DAY FEBRUARY 5, An observation on the importance of professionalism and collegiality 2.Update on the Transformation Plan 3.Brief SCS staff on legal updates 4.Focus on student achievement as related to preparing for the upcoming PARCC (Ohio State Tests) 5.Clarifying responsibilities for district wide implementation of Project Based Learning (PBL) 6.Professional development training on multiple levels based on job assignments 7.Secure active and robust participation by all faculty and staff

THE IMPORTANCE OF PROFESSIONALISM What is professionalism and what does it mean to be a part of a successful team? Communicating with respect when there are different points of view Putting forward a professional effort in every aspect of our work Engaging our customers with respect Engaging our colleagues with professional communication and engagement (every team member plays an important role in Sandusky City School)

TRANSFORMATION PLAN ~ UPDATE ~ A QUICK REVIEW Transformation Plan unveiled on March 27, 2014 with implementation for schools year Currently in year one of a five year Transformation Plan strategy Overall emphasis on academic an organizational reform ensuring students can embrace and actively participate in a global economy Twelve identified “Pillars” or areas of focus Number One Priority is improving student performance!

GOALS FOR RECENTLY HELD COMMUNITY FORUMS 1.Update the community on the progress and challenges we are facing as we work to achieve our goals on the Transformation Plan 2.Identify and report on the progress of our major goals 3.Present a written quarterly report to the community and post on our district website 4.Provide an open forum for questions and responses from district staff regarding our key next steps on the Transformation Plan 5.Continue our commitment of transparency and open communication about our schools

12 PILLARS OF TRANSFORMATION PLAN Pillar #1 Pillar #1 Academics Pre-K-16 Pillar#2 Pillar #2 College & Career Readiness Pillar # 3 Adult & Global Education Pillar #4 Pillar #4 Fine and Performing Arts Pillar #5 Student Services Pillar #6 Pillar #6 Athletics & Student Activities Pillar #7 Pillar #7 Technology Pillar # 8 Pillar # 8 Professional Development Pillar #9 Transportation Pillar #10 Pillar #10 Student Nutrition & Food Service Pillar#11 Pillar #11 Parent & Community Involvement Pillar # 12 School Facilities


SOPHOMORE STUDENTS SELECTING MAJORS AS A REQUIREMENT OF OUR COLLEGE & CAREER READINESS STANDARDS Each sophomore will select a major from a dozen different majors offered at Sandusky High School Review handout of majors offered for the School Year Goal of selecting a major is to expose students to college and career opportunities Students will take coursework outlined in their selected major that will culminate in their senior year experience Students will have the option of selecting college courses within their identified major

BLUE STREAK UNIVERSITY Students having option to take college credit while in high school Connected with state-wide effort identified as “College Credit Plus” Result of HB 487 signed into law on June 16, 2014 (Signed by Governor Kasich) College credit identified in 15, 30, and 62 credit hour structure Sample of the 15 and 30 semester hour template available for review Earn an Associate’s Degree and High School Diploma simultaneously Student must be enrolled in both college and high school College credit is offered at no cost to the parent Potential to save up to two years of college credit

BLUE STREAK UNIVERSITY NEXT STEPS Continue to redefine Academic Pathways for 15 and 30 semester credit courses Create a plan to communicate with parents and students Current identified partners include Bowling Green State University and Lorain County Community College Identify faculty members and delivery systems (onsite, skype, on-campus, blended models, online delivery) Clarify counselor and advisor model Program scheduled for operation for the school year More information available at Parent Summit on March 21, 2015

SENIOR YEAR GLOBAL EXPERIENCE Goal is provide a global-based experience for all graduating students from Sandusky High School $500,000 grant from Ohio Department of Education SHS teachers and BGSU faculty working on curriculum for coursework for global content Pilot effort at SHS Students will be required to have one of three global-based experiences International Experience (similar to foreign exchange program) Internship focused on identified major of the student with global emphasis Community service project with global emphasis


STEAM INITIATIVE IN SANDUSKY CITY SCHOOLS IN SANDUSKY CITY SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY: Project-based Learning foundation for future STEAM iEvolve Citizen Science in grades 3-5, expanding to grades 6-8 this summer STEM in the Park through BGSU Summer Safari opportunities MIDDLE SCHOOL: Project-based Learning foundation for future STEAM Women in Science through BGSU Addition of Arts Exploration course for high school credit

STEAM INITIATIVE IN SANDUSKY CITY SCHOOLS IN SANDUSKY CITY SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL: Project-based Learning foundation for future STEAM Project Lead the Way Great Lakes Visual and Performing Arts Academy Majors aligned to STEAM professions

ELEMENTARY UPDATE PRE-KINDERGARTEN: Kindergarten Readiness Camp Kindergarten Transition New curriculum aligned to Step Up to Quality licensing portfolio KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE SIX: Student-Centered Instruction Increased access to technology through laptop carts Project-based Learning as a foundation to STEAM iEvolve participation in grades 3-5 Summer opportunities for enrichment


CHANGE IN VOCABULARY Ohio’s State Tests is new umbrella term for all tests no matter the grade, form or vendor When utilizing ODE’s website, use this term for the search function or click on

OHIO’S STATE TESTS ELA AND MATH: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) OGT – 10 th grade is last group 3 rd Grade Reading OAA Aligned to Common Core Standards SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: American Institute for Research (AIR-TIDE) OGT – 10 th grade is last group Aligned to Ohio’s standards in Science & Social Studies

ROLES LEA/District Test Coordinator (LTC): CAO’s Office Julie McDonald, Luanne Maschari, Jackie Riedy, Claire Grantier, Chris Fischer, Julie Roth, Missy Phillips, Brooke Austin School Test Coordinator (STC): All Principals Test Administrator (TA): Any individual, who meets the criteria, administering a test Proctor: Any individual assigned to monitor a test session under the supervision of a TA at all times Accommodations Coordinator: Sabrina Scott Technology Coordinator: Jimmy Blake

TESTING ADMINISTRATOR AND PROCTORS TAs are actively monitoring testing session TAs are not sitting at their desk or using a device doing work not associated with the session. TAs supervise the Proctor

ROLE OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS, BUS DRIVERS, CAFETERIA & CUSTODIAL STAFF VITAL TO OUR STUDENTS’ SUCCESS! First line of sight Encourage students To eat and sleep well To do their best Encourage families Help families understand importance of doing well Offer resources

TEST SECURITY The administration of Ohio’s State Tests are a secure testing event. Maintaining the security of test materials before, during and after the test administration is crucial to obtaining valid and reliable results.

SECURE MATERIALS Paper/Pencil: Students may not have access to scorable or nonscorable test content before or after testing. DO NOT break the sealed packages until the morning of the test. For Computer-based Assessments: Students may not have access to secure test materials before testing, including testing tickets and seal codes.

NONSCORABLE SECURE MATERIALS Printed reference sheets and used scratch paper become secure materials. Students will receive 2 sheets of scratch paper to begin with and if they use it, students must print their name in the top right-hand corner. TA/Proctors will collect all nonscorables and return them with all secure documents per our security plan.

SECURITY FORMS All staff involved in the administration or handling of test materials must sign the Security Agreement as a statement of understanding test security. In the event of a testing irregularity or test security breach, the involved TA/Proctor and STC must report the incident AND complete the security form.

SECURITY BREACHES & TESTING IRREGULARITIES Any action that compromises test security or score validity is prohibited.

IS IT A SECURITY BREACH? 1.Using a computer, laptop or tablet (other than the one being used to administer a computer based test) while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing. 2.Using a cell phone while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing

1. Explaining a passage or test items to students 2. Engaging in activities that prevent proper student supervision at all times while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing (e.g., grading papers, reading a book, newspaper or magazine) 3. Giving students more or less time that is allotted for the unit as outlined in the manual. IS IT A SECURITY BREACH?

1.Taking pictures of secure materials 2. Revealing or discussing passages or test items with anyone, including students and school staff, through verbal exchange, , social media, or any other form of communication 3. Student directed question about a computer based tool IS IT A SECURITY BREACH?

IS IT A TESTING IRREGULARITY? 1.Building evacuation or lockdown 2.Losing a student’s test booklet 3.Losing a student’s testing ticket 4.Displaying testing aids in the testing environment 5.Failing to provide a student with the documented accommodation or providing the accommodation that is not documented 6.Opening the shrink wrap 2 days before the test

SECURITY FORMS 1.Security Agreement 2.Chain of Custody 3.Post-Test Certification Form 4.Form to Report a Testing Irregularity or Security Breach

STEPS FOR REPORTING IRREGULARITY OR BREACH Anyone may report to the state a security violation or irregularity; HOWEVER, we will follow this protocol: 1.Person who identifies issue reports it immediately to principal or supervisor 2.Principal or supervisor will call Julie McDonald AND complete Reporting Form. This form needs to be submitted to my office within 24 hours of the incident. 3.While awaiting the Reporting Form, I will be calling and reporting it to ODE. No one else calls ODE to report the incident.

NOW WHAT? 1.Read the Security Agreement If you do not understand something, please ask 2.Complete the Security Agreement PRINT YOUR BUILDING NAME AT THE TOP 3.Prior to leaving this session, make sure I get your agreement. 4.A copy will be sent you at your building. Keep it for 3 years. The district will keep the original.

PRINCIPALS AND SUPERVISORS If you have staff missing today, they must receive this training prior to the administration of spring tests.

TEST ANXIETY First and foremost, we are TEAM! Second, as soon as we know we are putting it out through our chains of communication. Third, as soon as we don’t know, we are trouble-shooting. Fourth, our students follow your lead.

JUST BREATHE… Dear Claire, Thank you for contacting Pearson PARCC Customer Support. I am following up with you regarding your recent regarding the PARCC assessments. My understanding is that you are having issues with the drag and drop function during a practice test. Our development team is aware of this issue and working to fix it. Unfortunately, I do not have an ETA as to when this issue may be resolved.

MCKINNEY-VENTO HOMELESS EDUCATION ASSISTANCE ACT Federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth Schools are required to enroll homeless children and youth immediately, even if they lack normally required documents, such as immunization records or proof of residence. The act ensures that homeless children and youth have transportation to and from their school of origin if it is in the child's or youth's best interest

MANDATED REPORTING All school district staff members are mandated reporters which means… If you have any SUSPICION of child abuse or neglect… it MUST BE reported BY YOU to Erie County Children’s Services: KIDS or through their online form:

FEDERAL LEGISLATION LEGALLY REQUIRED INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT (IDEA)+ IEPs—Individual Educational PROGRAMs, not “plans” IEP teams IEP team meetings required Annually when making progress when not making progress IEP team members REQUIRED: Parent District Representative—Building Administrator for most meetings General Education Teacher Intervention Specialist “Whenever appropriate, the child with a disability” + Student Services Department

FEDERAL LEGISLATION LEGALLY REQUIRED SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT+ PART OF US GOVERNMENT, OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS SECTION 504 PROCESS: REQUIRED Referral Procedural safeguards Consent Evaluation Section 504 Accommodation Plan Annual review Reevaluation SECTION 504 PLANS: MUST BE FOLLOWED +Student Services Department



ATHLETICS AND ACTIVITIES PLANS Expansion of the Elementary athletic and activities process is occurring Significant increase in elementary and middle school athletic participation Expanding communication via social media Hired coordinator of elementary athletics Upgrades to SHS gymnasium and basic repairs to Strobel Field Study Tables under review for implementation

PARENT AND COMMUNITY INVOLVMENT Parent Summit scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Continued emphasis on partnering with business and faith based organizations Focus on parent training opportunities Surveying parents to get feedback on school progress Parent and community feedback opportunities at school via response cards

SCHOOL FACILITIES Lost $58 million dollars School Facilities Bond Issue in November 2014 by a total of 17 votes Reviewing options for next steps Interested in feedback from the community Considerations for 2015 or 2016 OSFC Considerations Utilizing research based findings regarding public input and opinions

FINE ARTS ACADEMY AT SANDUSKY HIGH SCHOOL FINE ARTS ACADEMY AT SANDUSKY HIGH SCHOOL Creation of the Great Lakes Performing and Arts Academy at Sandusky High School Fine Arts Planning Team working on curriculum and instructional design Coursework being offered this fall semester Art Exploration course added at 8 th grade In process of developing a 3-year plan for Academy

THANK YOU SANDUSKY CITY SCHOOLS “Where we value our students”