Background Manifesto—from the Latin manifestus meaning clear, “evident”—is defined as a “public declaration of principles, policies, or intentions, especially of a political nature” ( The manifesto is usually a fairly grumpy document. The impetus for writing a manifesto is an extreme dissatisfaction at the way things are, and by starting your movement—your “-ism”—you are saying you have a plan to fix it. You may have heard of The Communist Manifesto, co-authored by Karl Marx in The Declaration of Independence is also a manifesto of sorts. There’s also a history of manifestoes in artistic and literary movements, and that’s where you come in. Charles Olsen’s “Notes on Projective Verse” is a big, hulking manifesto—important, and a fairly unreadable one at that. The Guerrilla Girls, a collective of female artists manifesto flyer is the most recent example, and is thoroughly entertaining and in-your-face.
Assignment Requirements For our purposes, your manifesto can be as serious or as light-hearted as you want it to be. You and a partner must develop a manifesto for a new faction that does not already exist. Your mentor text must reflect one or more of the manifestos written by Roth. Your manifesto must be words. First and foremost: Your manifesto must identify a flaw within society. And, your manifesto is an attempt to remedy the flaw. In addition to your manifesto you must also: Summary of Faction: must be written in paragraph form Narrative Description of the initiation process Narrative description or image of the dress code (with labels) Narrative Description or image of the compound (with labels) Create a flyer – advertise your faction Symbol & slogan must be included
Manifestos Abnegation – Poem Amity – 5 characteristics with short anecdotes through dialogue Candor – 3 essential truths. First person code through brief narrative. Erudite – 5 truths. A proposal based on these truths. 6 areas of knowledge that will establish these truths. A narrative of reason to end. Dauntless – 19 belief statements
Guerrilla Girls’ Manifesto Flyers
More Manifestos
What is a mentor text? A mentor text is an example to follow We can model our writing based off of Ideas Content Format Techniques For the purpose of this assignment you are required to use the format and techniques used throughout Roth’s Manifestos.