www.culturesandart.com 每 15 秒自動換頁 一共 54 頁 約 13.5 分鐘.


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每 秒自動換頁 一共 58 頁 約 14 分鐘 世界歌剧舞剧院 背景音乐:威尔第歌剧《纳布科》 犹太奴隶合唱: “ 飞吧 ! 思想, 乘著金色的翅膀 !”
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The universal language
每 15 秒自動換頁 一共 54 頁 約 13.5 分鐘 Opera Houses
Les plus belles salles d'opéra du monde.
Les plus belles salles d'opéra du monde
Presentation transcript:

每 15 秒自動換頁 一共 54 頁 約 13.5 分鐘

阿姆斯特丹音樂劇院 ( 荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 ) Since its official opening on September 23, 1986, Het Muziektheater has attracted crowds from Amsterdam and beyond in droves.

皇家歌劇院 ( 比利時 布魯塞爾 ) The Koninklijke Muntschouwburg (de Munt-Dutch), or le Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie (la Monnaie – French) - both meaning Royal Theatre of the Mint.

匈牙利歌劇院 ( 匈牙利 布達佩斯 ) The Hungarian Opera House was designed and built in Renaissance style

1844 年艾爾科 ( Ferenc Erkel ) 贏得國歌作曲大賽, 第一次演出就是在匈牙利歌劇院。

匈牙利歌劇院 大吊燈 The chandelier

威爾第歌劇 “ 阿伊達 ”( Aida ) performance

The Colón Theatre is one of the world's major opera houses. The present theatre, the second with that name, opened in 1908 after twenty years under construction. 科隆劇院 ( 巴西 布宜諾斯艾利斯 )

科隆劇院 演奏廳裝潢華麗 With excellent acoustics and modern stage areas, the theatre's interior design features a rich scarlet and gold decor.

哥本哈根歌劇院 ( 丹麥 ) The Copenhagen Opera House (in Danish usually called Operaen) is among the most modern opera houses in the world. It is also one of the most expensive opera houses ever built with construction costs well over 500 million dollars.

哥本哈根歌劇院 劇場休息大廳 The foyer

老歌劇院 ( 德國 法蘭克福 ) The Alte Oper (Old Opera) is a major concert hall and former opera house in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The building was inaugurated in 1880.

比才歌劇 ” 卡門 ”( Carmen ) performance

The National San Carlos Theatre, whose construction started in 1792, was inaugurated in June 30, 聖 · 卡洛斯國家大劇院 ( 葡萄牙 里斯本 )

聖 · 卡洛斯國家大劇院 皇家包廂 Royal box

The Royal Opera House - major performing arts venue in the London district of Covent Garden, one of the foremost opera houses in the world. 皇家歌劇院 ( 英國 倫敦 )

The Teatro Real was inaugurated in October 10, 1850 and is one of the world's finest stage and acoustic settings for opera. 馬德里王家劇院 ( 西班牙 馬德里 )

The Teatro alla Scala was founded, under the auspices of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, to replace the Royal Ducal Theatre, which was destroyed by fire on February 26, 1776 and had until then been the home of opera in Milan. 斯卡拉大劇院 ( 義大利 米蘭 )

斯卡拉大劇院 大吊燈 The chandelier

普契尼歌劇 “ 茶花女 ” Madame Butterfly - Puccini Final curtain, Mihoko Fujimura (Suzuki )

The Bolshoi Theatre is a historic theatre whith holds performances of ballet and opera 莫斯科大劇院 ( 俄羅斯 莫斯科 )

莫斯科大劇院 樓梯間 staircase

莫斯科大劇院 主廳 The main hall

莫斯科大劇院 大吊燈 The chandelier

普契尼歌劇 ” 杜蘭朵公主 ”( Turandot – Puccini ) performance

The Metropolitan Opera, founded in April 1880, is America's largest classical music organization, and annually presents some 240 opera performances. The home of the company is one of the premier opera stages in the world, considered by some as one of the best and is among the biggest in the world. 紐約大都會歌劇院 ( 美國 紐約 )

紐約大都會歌劇院 壁畫 ” 音樂的勝利 ” The Metropolitan Opera House - Lincoln Center 'The Triumph of Music' by Marc Chagall

奧德薩國家歌劇芭蕾舞藝術劇院 ( 烏克蘭 ) The Odessa National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet is the oldest theater in Ukraine

奧斯陸國家歌劇院 ( 挪威 奧斯陸 ) A return to the classic fine arts in this modern setting

普契尼歌劇 ” 杜蘭朵公主 ”( Turandot ) performance

加尼葉歌劇院(通稱巴黎歌劇院 ) ( 法國 巴黎 ) The Opéra de Paris or Opéra Garnier, a 2,200-seat opera house and a grand landmark designed by Charles Garnier in the Neo-Baroque style, is regarded as one of the architectural masterpieces of its time.

巴黎歌劇院 大廳 The grand salon

巴黎歌劇院 大吊燈 The chandelier

布拉格 愛斯特劇院上演莫札特歌劇《唐 · 喬望尼》 Prague Estates Theater - Mozart's opera Don Giovanni was premiered here on October 29, 1787

The Národní Divadlo or the National Theatre in Prague is known as the Alma Mater of Czech Opera, and as the national monument of Czech history and art. 布拉格國家劇院 ( 捷克 )

布拉格國家劇院 大廳 The grand foyer

布拉格國家劇院 大吊燈 The chandelier

聖保羅市立劇院 ( 巴西 聖保羅 ) Municipal Theatre of São Paulo is one of the most important theatres in South America and one of the landmarks of the city of São Paulo.

It is significant both for its architectural value as well as for its historical importance, having been the venue for the Week of Modern Art in 1922, which revolutionised the arts in Brazil. 聖保羅市立劇院 音樂廳

威爾第歌劇 ” 阿伊達 ” ( Aida – Verdi ) performance

索菲亞大劇院 ( 保加利亞 ) Ballet and opera enthusiasts attend Bulgaria’s theatres every night and receive from the stage the power of talents, inspiration, skill and fidelity to the art.

馬林斯基劇院 ( 聖彼得堡 俄羅斯 ) The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in Russia, where many of the stage masterpieces of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres.

馬林斯基劇院 主廳 Mariinsky Theatre – inside

雪梨歌劇院 ( 澳洲 ) The Sydney Opera House - one of the world's most distinctive 20th century buildings - was made a UNESCO World Heritage Site on June 28, 2007

華格納歌劇 ” 唐懷瑟 “ ( Tannhauser ) performance

瑞典皇家歌劇院 ( 瑞典 斯德哥爾摩 ) The Kungliga Teatern ("Royal Theatre") or Royal Swedish Opera is the national stage for opera in Sweden.

莫札特歌劇 ” 女人皆如此 ”( Cosi Fan Tutte ) performance

...that, with a roll of conductors encompassing Gustav Mahler to Claudio Abado, personifies the music sacred arena – the Vienna Opera. 維也納國家歌劇院 ( 奧地利 )

維也納國家歌劇院 每年公演 300 天 August venue that offers, 300 days a year, performances that religiously change every day…

威爾第歌劇 ” 那布果 ”( Nabucco ) And, closing with the performance of the opera from witch this musical background has been chosen, I’d like to beg you…

音樂 : 威爾第歌劇 ” 那布果 ”(Nabucco) 希伯來奴隸合唱曲 「飛吧!思想,乘著金色的翅膀!」 click, please

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