ISPRS International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Serving society with information from images
1. Greetings from ISPRS Council … I … and the whole ISPRS Community to 14th Intern. S& Tech. Conference
Conference Series Quaternary Congress Mid-term symposia WG Workshops 14th Intern. S& Tech. Conference - An import. Confer. For ISPRS Regional Conferences ASPRS (America) ACRS (Asia) Phot. Week (Europe) 14th Intern. S& Tech. Conference (Racurs) … Conferences Publications Joint Projects ISPRS Council …… ISPRS (1910-) to be the foremost scientific society in its field and for the Society at large, to speak for all people working in the field, to provide necessary resources to develop the field. (from ISPRS Strategic Plan 2010)
2. Recent Developments through International Collaboration ISPRS (1910-) … to advance the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial infor. mation sciences through international cooperation in research, development and education for the benefit of society and for environmental sustainability. (from ISPRS Strategic Plan 2010) Selected Priority areas Mapping: UNGGIM Disaster: ICSU- GeoUnions, JBGIS and UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER Heritage: ICOMOS Land Cover: GEO/ UNGGIM OSGeo … VALID: Value of GI for Disaster and Risk Manage.- Benefit Analysis/ Stakeholder Assessmt(Sept.3, 2013) Status of mapping in the world: a survey report(July 26, 2013) CIPA activities 1 st Global 30-m land cover data sets
3. Improving Our Services Re-structuring Technical Commissions Scientific Initiative – launched in 2013 Individual Membership – introduced in May Flag ship journal with option for open access Free digital journal copy for sust. members ISPRS Archives included in Web of Knowledge …
Montpellier (La Grande Motte) – France 28 September - 2 October 2015 ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015 Bundle of International Conferences
XXIII ISPRS Congress Prague, July 12-19, 2016 From human history to the future with spatial information Due date for abstract submission Autumn 2015
ISRPS 104 years of serving society with information from imagery … … and still going strong