4 cases of chest pain
Man of 34 Just returned form 2 weeks in Turkey Flu like symptoms Cough Coughed up blood Pain left lower chest
On examination Temperature 38.4 Pulse 90 regular Chest Dullness to percussion left base BS present but added crackles and one area of coarse breathing Scratching sound too
What are the possible diagnoses? How might you distinguish between possible causes? What tests might help? What are the treatment options?
Man of 22 Long standing asthma Develops sharp right sided chest pain whilst out walking the dog Becomes short of breath on exertion
On examination Thin Chest expansion reduced right side Percussion note resonant and possible more so right side Decreased air entry right apex of lung over clavicles
What are the possible diagnoses? What would explain this story and chest signs? Which factors might contribute to this problem? How might you confirm the diagnosis? Treatment options? He suddenly becomes much more short of breath – why?
Man of 63 Smoker for many years History of dyspnoea on exertion Develops pain in left side of chest Cough
ON EXAMINATION Thin Clubbed Nicotine stains Percussion note dull left base Decreased breath sounds left base
How can you explain these signs What sort of pathology will cause dullness to percussion What might cause reduced air entry? What might you see on CXR?
61 YEAR OLD MAN Just returned from 2 weeks in Turkey visiting his daughter Developed slight chest pain whilst there went to chemist and got antibiotics Coughed up blood No better
ON EXAMINATION Apyrexial Not clubbed P 110 regular RR 28 Chest – percussion note normal Normal air entry Loud second heart sound especially pulmonary area
What might explain his signs? Why is he tachycardic and tachypnoeic? What can cause someone to cough up blood? Why did the antibiotics not help? What are the risk factors for this man?