H OW TO MAKE A CUP OF T EA ! By Paris Bell
Safety Instructions Equipment Ingredients Instructions Instructions (continued) Tips
S AFETY I NSTRUCTIONS Always make sure you have an adult with you just encase. Get an adult to pour the kettle or hold the mug whilst you pour the kettle.
E QUIPMENT Kettle Tea Spoon Mug
I NGREDIENTS Tea Bag Sugar Water
I NSTRUCTIONS Collect all your equipment. Pour the water into the kettle and put onto boil. Whilst waiting for the water to boil 1 tea bag into the mug it can be normal, minty, fruity or any other flavour. Add sugar measured in tea spoons if wanted.
I NSTRUCTIONS ( CONTINUED ) Once the kettle has boiled pour the water into the mug whilst assisted by an adult. Stir until there are no lumps left. Pour milk in to the mug and stir. (optional)
T IPS For the best results add your favourite biscuits and dunk them in to your lovely cup of tea.