DARK ALLY STAGE 1 HOSTAGE STAGE 2 STAGE PROCEDURE : STAGE PROCEDURE : START POSITION : Shooter starts in Area A or B, hands above your shoulders. Gun in the ready condition and holstered STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING:Comstock, 31 rounds,155 points TARGETS : 14 Paper, 3 PP , 7 N/S SCORED HITS :Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES :As per the latest edition On signal shoot the targets whilst remaining in demarcated area. PP1 activate S1 ,PP2 activate S2 and PP3 activate R1,R2 . S1,S2 will remain visible and carry drop shot penalty’. START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands against barricade at A. Gun in the ready condition and holstered. STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds,45 points TARGETS : 3 Paper,1 PP, 2 P, SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper ,Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal shoot the targets whilst remaining in Area A. PP1 activate STEEL HARDCOVER TARGETS. T1, T 3 disappear behind the steel hardcover targets. PP1 will be visible from both apertures. R2 R1 PP3 PP1 T4 T5 T7 T1 T6 P2 T2 T3 T8 P1 C T 4 D T9 E Hard cover T2 S2 S1 T 10 T1 B F PP2 PP1 Area A G A Area A Area B
ENJOY THE SWING STAGE 3 DEATH WHAT STAGE 4 STAGE PROCEDURE : S1 P1 PP1 SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 22 rounds,110 points TARGETS : 11 Paper, 5 N/S SCORED HITS: Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal retrieve your gun and shoot the targets as you see them from inside the demarcated area. Taking the gun out of the box will activate swingers S1,S2,.S3 which will stay visible.S1,S2,S3 will only be visible from under the table STAGE PROCEDURE : START POSITION : Starts with hands behind your back heels against brandering. Gun in the ready condition in Box lying flat facing down range DEATH WHAT STAGE 4 START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands at sides. Gun completely empty, holstered and mags on your belt. STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING:Comstock, 21 rounds,105 points TARGETS : 9 Paper,1 PP, 2 P, 2 N/S SCORED HITS: Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal draw and shoot the targets through the apertures as you see them whilst staying in the demarcated area. PP1 activate S1. S1 stays visible and carry drop shots. S1 P1 PP1 P2 T8 T4 T5 T4 T8 T 7 T6 T3 T7 T3 T2 T2 T6 S1 S2 S3 T1 T1 T5 Box Area A Area A
SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds,45 points IN THE JAIL HOUSE STAGE 5 NO TIME STAGE 6 START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands above your shoulders. Your gun will be placed completely empty with all your mag’s on the table. START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands at sides, heals against brandering , back to targets. Gun in the ready condition and holstered . STAGE PROCEDURE : STAGE PROCEDURE : On signal pick up your gun and shoot the targets through the wooden bars whilst remaining in the demarcated area SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds,45 points TARGETS : 3 Paper, 3 MPP,1 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 24 rounds,120 points TARGETS :10 Paper , 2 PP, 2 P, 6 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal draw and shoot the targets in any order as you see them whilst staying in demarcated area .PP1 will activate S1. PP2 activate S2 . S1, S2 stays visible PP 2 PP1 S2 S1 T5 T4 MPP3 P1 P2 MPP2 T3 MPP1 T6 T2 T3 T7 T1 T2 T8 T1 Area A Table
STAGE PROCEDURE : CAPE ARGUS STAGE 7 SLEEPING BEAUTY STAGE 8 START POSITION : Starts sitting on the bicycle hands on the handlebars. Gun in the ready condition and holstered. STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds, 45 points TARGETS : 5 Paper,1 MPP, 2 N/S SCORED HITS: Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal draw and shoot the targets as you see them from on top of the bicycle. MPP1 activate R1.R1 disappear. THE SHOOTER MUST PADDLE THE BICYCLE AT A SPEED OF 5 KM /Hr BEFORE THE TIMER WILL GO OFF. CAPE ARGUS STAGE 7 SLEEPING BEAUTY STAGE 8 START POSITION : Starts flat on your back on the bed underneath the blanket hands crossed behind your head. Gun in the ready condition on either of the tables. STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds, 45 points TARGETS : 4 Paper, 1 P, 2 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal retrieve your gun and shoot the targets from inside the demarcated area. T 4 R1 T3 P 1 T2 T2 T1 T3 MPP 1 Tables T 1
HOUSE CALL STAGE 9 WHERE ARE THEY STAGE 10 STAGE PROCEDURE : T7 Area A START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands at sides. Gun in the ready condition and holstered STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 20 rounds,100 points TARGETS : 9 Paper 2 MPP, 2 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper ,Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal draw and shoot the targets as they become visible whilst staying in the demarcated area. T 5 will only be visible through the aperture T7 Area A T1 T2 T3 T5 MPP1 T6 T8 T9 MPP2 T 4 Aperture START POSITION : Starts in Area A hands against the wall. Gun in the ready condition and holstered STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 26 rounds,130 points TARGETS :12 Paper, 2 P, 6 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper ,Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal draw and shoot the targets as they become visible from inside the demarcated area. Door 1 activate S1. S1 will remain visible. T9 P1 T11 S1 T10 T8 P2 Aperture T3 T5 DOOR 1 T2 T 4 T7 T1 DOOR WAY T6 Area A
CATCH THE SWINGER STAGE 12 ROLE OF THE BARREL STAGE 11 CATCH THE SWINGER STAGE 12 START POSITION : Starts sitting on drum at A hands holding activating rope. Gun mag in ,chamber empty and holstered. STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9 rounds,45 points TARGETS : 4 Paper ,1 PP, 3 N/S SCORED HITS: Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START : Audible PENALTIES : As per the latest edition On signal activate the drum, draw and shoot the targets as they become visible from on top of the drum. Drum will move forwards and backwards. START POSITION : Shooter starts in Area A hands at sides. Gun in the ready condition and holstered STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 32 rounds,160 points TARGETS : 13 Paper, 1 PP, 5 P, 3 N/S SCORED HITS :Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES :As per the latest edition On signal shoot the targets whilst remaining in demarcated area. PP1 activate S1. S1 will remain visible. S1 will be visible from both sides of the barricade PP1 P5 PP 1 T 13 P4 T 11 T 10 S1 T 3 T 9 T 4 B A P3 T 1 T 7 T 8 T 6 T 2 P2 T4 P1 A T 5 T2 T3 T 1 Area A
TARZAN 1 STAGE 13 TARZAN 2 STAGE 14 STAGE PROCEDURE : START POSITION : Starts with hands at sides heels against brandering at Area A. Gun in the ready condition and holstered START POSITION : Starts with hands at sides heels against brandering at Area A. Gun in the ready condition and holstered STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9rounds,45 points TARGETS : 4 Paper,1 MMP, 1 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES :As per the latest edition STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 9rounds,45points TARGETS : 4 Paper,1 MMP, 1 N/S SCORED HITS : Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES :As per the latest edition On signal shoot the targets as you see them whilst staying on the box. The shooter must hold onto the rope to be able to shoot around the barricade. On signal shoot the targets as you see them whilst staying on the box. The shooter must hold onto the rope to be able to shoot around the barricade. T4 T4 MMP 1 MMP 1 T3 T3 T2 T2 T1 Moveable barrier T1 Rope Moveable barrier Rope A A
RANGE STAGE NAME ROUNDS 1 Dark Ally 31 2 Hostage 9 3 Enjoy the swing TYRE PROBLEMS STAGE 15 START POSITION : Starts in Area A kneeling both hands holding wheel. Gun in the ready condition on the front seat. RANGE STAGE NAME ROUNDS 1 Dark Ally 31 2 Hostage 9 3 Enjoy the swing 22 4 Death What 21 5 In the jail house 6 No Time 24 7 Cape Argus 8 Sleeping Beauty House Call 26 10 Where are they 20 11 Role of the barrel 12 Catch the swinger 32 13 Tarzan 1 14 Tarzan 2 15 Tyre Problems Chrono TOTAL 269 STAGE PROCEDURE : SCORING : SCORING: Comstock, 22 rounds,110points TARGETS :10 Paper,2 Plates,2 N/S SCORED HITS :Best 2 per paper , Steel 1 A START :Audible PENALTIES :As per the latest edition On signal shoot the targets as they become visible whilst staying inside the demarcated area. T 8 –T 9 and P1 – P2 will only be visible through the car. T6 T 7 T9 T8 T 10 T5 P1 P2 T4 Area A T 3 T1 T 2