Walking the Walk …… Islington’s Digital Journey We want staff to be as productive as possible by providing them with the right tools to do their jobs and secure access to the systems and information they need from wherever they are working. This needs to be as much about behaviour, culture and process change as it is about supporting technology.
Walking the walk Islington’s digital journey 9 th December 2013
An historical perspective 2006 – Smart working across the organisation Staff allocated laptops and hand held personal devices to work more flexibly Conversion of paper records to electronic where ever possible. Multifunctional devices for copying, printing and scanning – no individual printers. Ratio desks to staff 7:10 Buildings released, capital receipts and cost savings as a result Austerity measures Freeze on new IT purchases. Implementation of equipment recovery and recycling programme – significant cost avoidance and savings – Response to consumerisation and the digital revolution BYOD solutions…….social media…… – National events and changes to service models The Olympics & Jubilee – small scale tablet pilots Reintegration of 4 key outsourced services and alignment of Public Health …. new services, different ways of working, different job roles. No longer one size fits all! 2013 – Things are different now………….
Drivers for change The Challenge: A changing organisational landscape Different financial position - needing to do more with less and do things differently. We need a more flexible and responsive workforce. Local government and partner services are changing shape. Need for internal and external collaboration – higher on the agenda. Digital revolution and new wave of technologies creating opportunities. An aging infrastructure creating business risk.
Our response ……….. Working Without Walls – A Technology Enabling Project Supporting business strategy and needs, Increasing productivity…… improving service delivery and customer satisfaction. Contributing to savings and productivity gains emerging from our corporate transformation programmes. A multi-year programme putting digital at the heart of our organisation and our thinking. Phase 1 focussed on delivering an updated IT environment.
Business transformation enabled by digital technology
The Vision in brief…….. “Log-on and go”! Work anywhere using any device. Connect and collaborate without the constraints of organisational or technological boundaries. Easily share information whilst protecting our sensitive data – make doing the right thing the easy thing. Sounds simple but...It is a journey… It is complex… Relies on a fit for purpose infrastructure. How we’ll do it ……….. Create a culture of confidence, behaviour change and digitisation. Deliver sustainable change and business benefits. Enable and support efficiencies and savings across the business. Update the legacy infrastructure and invest in its future, plus keep it stable whilst we change Provide staff with the equipment & tools they need to do their jobs. What it’s NOT ……………. An I-Pad project!!!!
Business leadership and ownership from the start Business-led focus : vision, requirements and outcomes Business sponsorship : led by corporate director providing direct link to corporate management board. Cross organisational collaboration - active programme board with senior business representatives including colleagues from Communications, HR, Finance and Digital Services. Engagement with and support from political leadership
Components needed to support delivery of our vision 1.Identify the range of work styles that exist across our organisation. 2.Identify new ways of working and what tools are needed. 3.Implement new business processes, working practices, behaviours and culture. 4.Update technology platform without which the programme cannot be delivered. 5.Provide new end point devices with work anywhere tools.
BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT Interviews with managers Engagement with the disabled staff forum Councillor requirements Requests for tablet devices TECHNICAL ANALYSIS H/W & application assessment & analysis Technical compatibility CONSOLIDATED WORK STYLE REPORT WORK STYLE SURVEY Gathering Business Requirements Provides input into decisions about: Direction of travel. Budget and timescales. Technology designs. Business areas to pilot remote working. Work anywhere tools. ?
Business Engagement & Findings Work Style Cultures & Behaviours TouchpointsBenefits Processes & Problems Technology Capability & Opportunity 24 teams identified as mobile, field based teams 7 teams identified as wholly office based but with potential to work more flexibly. 3 scenarios created Staff Disability Forum, Unions and Councillors 48 individual meetings
Survey Findings 4500 Surveyed 61% response 29% Very Mobile 71% Fixed or Semi Mobile 95% work upto one day a week from home 80% need to share information internally and externally 93% need to collaborate with colleagues and other teams Low levels of formal process and use of work flow.
Business Needs and Challenges Needs: Deliver applications on any device Enable collaboration beyond corporate boundaries Interoperability across devices Updated technology and systems Challenges: Culture/behaviours Changing business processes and working practices Security of information –v- flexible ways of working Office Environment – changing to accommodate new ways of working Mobilising applications
So we know, Business Improvement Savings Technology Update What our drivers are Culture change Process change Supporting technology Behaviour change What we need
Where are we now ……. December: Business stakeholders identifying areas where staff are highly mobile and where there can be repeatable service transformation. Focus on service readiness. Rising to the challenge of mobilising business applications. Detailed technology designs underway. January: Initiate pilots Moving forward with our role based asset strategy and away from one size fits. Tactical and strategic device refresh planning
What have we learnt …………. Digital transformation is as much about behaviour, culture and process change as it about technology. In a way technology is the easy part – service readiness and pace of adoption will vary. New digital skills and confidence to lead change across the organisation. Embracing the new digital landscape and associated opportunities requires an organisational wide response. Co-design and collaboration is key! “One size fits all” no longer cuts it! A strong corporate approach with flexibility to meet individual business needs is essential but it’s not easy! Sustainable organisational change requires tenacity and drive together with cross-cutting and top:down business leadership and executive sponsorship. We all have a responsibility to embrace digital. That means we all need to think about how we can use technology to transform our services –it’s not just an IT role! Managing the continual stream of external disruptions ie PSN and security.