Noadswood Science, 2012
To understand what can affect the stopping distances of a vehicle Wednesday, May 06, 2015
How quickly can a vehicle stop? What factors are involved with stopping? There are two factors which affect the overall stopping distance of a vehicle Thinking distance Braking distance Together these make up the overall stopping distance…
Thinking distance – distance travelled before brakes are applied Braking distance – distance travelled whilst brakes are applied Stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance Stopping distance BrakingThinking
Match the words to their definitions One of the forces the road exerts on the tyres as the vehicle is stopping The distance a vehicle travels whilst it is braking The distance a vehicle travels before the brakes are applied The sum of the thinking and distance times Stopping distance Friction Thinking distance Braking distance
What factors affect the thinking and braking distances of vehicles? Thinking DistanceBraking Distance Speed of the car Drugs and alcoholRoad conditions MedicationConditions of the tyres TirednessConditions of the brakes
A car is moving along an open road when suddenly a sheep walks out… a) What is the term for the distance the car travelled before the brakes were applied? b) Name two factors which could have caused an increase to the distance the car travelled during this time c) The braking distance of the car is 35m. If the stopping distance is 50m, how far did the car travel before the brakes were applied?
A car is moving along an open road when suddenly a sheep walks out… a) What is the term for the distance the car travelled before the brakes were applied? Thinking distance b) Name two factors which could have caused an increase to the distance the car travelled during this time. Medication, drugs, alcohol, speed of the car, tiredness c) The braking distance of the car is 35m. If the stopping distance is 50m, how far did the car travel before the brakes were applied? Thinking distance = Stopping distance – Braking distance 50m – 35m = 15m
How could you set up an experiment to test an individuals reaction time? Produce a plan for a reaction time experiment, and produce a table to collect your results…
An easy experiment for reaction time is to drop a ruler between someone's thumb and forefinger, measuring at which point they ‘grabbed’ the ruler Ensure you have a control measurement, then subject the individual to certain stimuli / distractions (i.e. talking to them; listening to music; answering a phone etc…) Stimuli Reaction time (distance ruler fell before being caught (cm)) 123Average Control On phone Music Arguing etc…
Test your reaction times… Reaction Time (Test 1) Reaction Time (Test 2)