Cultural Studies in English Language Teaching An Overview H. H. Cindy Lee.


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Presentation transcript:

Cultural Studies in English Language Teaching An Overview H. H. Cindy Lee

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Preface / 前言  本篇主要介紹自 1980 年代起, 各國探討文化學習及跨文化 溝通的主要理論概念.  諸多理論千言萬語濃縮在僅 十頁的篇幅中, 雖盡量以深入 淺出的方式呈現, 但難免有遺 珠之憾.  若學員或讀者對內容有興趣, 歡迎來信討論或索取本人已 出版之相關研究論文.

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Contents 1. The Meaning of Cultural Studies in ELT & The English Speaking Countries 2. Theories of Cultural Learning : A Theoretical Framework 2-1 Inner Circle  Acculturation Model in SLA  Intercultural Communication Model 2-2 Outer Circle  World English Paradigm  Pedagogy of Cultural Alternatives 2-3 Expanding Circle  Teaching English as an International Language  Reflective Approach of Cultural Learning 3. Questions 4. Recommendation & Conclusion

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ The Meaning of Cultural Studies in ELT & The English Speaking Countries  Cultural Studies in ELT - Cultural Learning in the English Classroom:  Defines pupils’ learning of cultural content whilst learning English as an additional language  Indicates that the culture taught and learned is not necessarily attached to any particular country  Other Similar concepts:  Background Studies  Area Studies  Cultural learning  English Speaking Countries:  Inner Circle: USA, UK, Canada, Australia..  Outer Circle: India, Singapore, HK…  Expanding Circle: Taiwan, Korea, Japan…

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Theories of Cultural Studies in ELT: A Theoretical Framework  1970s – Schumann: Acculturation Model  How a L2 speaker acculturates to the language community determines how the person acquires the second language  Example: A Costa Rican immigrant acquired American culture in the United States Inner Circle (1)  1980s – Brown: Acculturation Process & TESOL  Excitement  Cultural Shock  Tentative Recovery  Full Recovery Instructional Help From The Language Teacher to overcome the process

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Inner Circle (2)  1980s – Byram: An Integrated Model for Cultural Learning in FLT Language Learning Cultural Experience Cultural Awareness Language Awareness Skill- oriented Socio- linguistic Knowledge Foreign Culture Focus Comparative Focus  1990s – Byram: Ethnographic Approach of Cultural Exchange in FLT Theories of Cultural Studies in ELT: A Theoretical Framework

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Outer Circle  1990s – Kachru & Nelson: World English Paradigm  De-colonize the English language and appreciate other varieties  Teach pluralism of English  1990s – Pennycook: Critical Pedagogy of Cultural Alternatives  Teach a broad range of cultural representations  Allow learners to perceive the English language in a liberal way Theories of Cultural Studies in ELT: A Theoretical Framework

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Expanding Circle  1980s – Smith: Cultural Learning in TEIIL  Teach native speakers ‘new literatures’; the varieties of the English language  Teach non-native speakers ‘different’ cultures and what in need  2000s – McKay: Reflective Approach of Cultural Learning in TEIIL  Teach cross-cultural pragmatic rules  Respect learners’ local culture and the culture of their learning style  Facilitate learners to reflect their own culture whilst learning another Theories of Cultural Studies in ELT: A Theoretical Framework

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Questions  What is the optimal way of teaching and learning cultural content and intercultural understanding for the Expanding Circle Countries?  How can English be taught and learned as an International Language with appropriate cultural content effectively?

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Recommendations For Practice  Identify the dimensions of cultural learning in the English classroom  Create appropriate activities or syllabus for teaching  Evaluate how pupils’ learning of culture reflects English taught and learned as an International Language (EIL)

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’  The Meaning of Cultural Studies in ELT:  Cultural Learning in Practice: Area Studies Culture Learning Cultural Learning Background Studies Inner Outer Expanding Inner Circle Learning The Target Culture Acculturation Model ICC Model Outer Circle Learning Varieties World English Paradigm Critical Pedagogy Expanding Circle Cultural Learning in TEIL Liberal Access to International Cultures Reflective Approach  The Future of Cultural Learning in EIL Classroom… Conclusion

All Rights Reserved.- Cindy Lee 03’ Gateway 1 Thank You!! Your questions and comments are welcome!! END