QCD Background… and the Resolution Saminder Dhaliwal August 30 th 2005
Resolution!!!! Z -> e- e+ aod’s Herwig and Jimmy Resolution as a function of Energy Resolution as a function of eta Formula: (Reconstructed E – True E) / (0.1)*(sqrt [True E])
Resolution at different Energy’s
RMS and Sigma Full range of E 40GeV < E < 70GeV 50GeV < E < 70GeV 70GeV < E < 150GeV E > 150GeV Entries RMS sigma
Resolution at different eta’s -2.5 < eta < < eta < -1.5
-0.5 < eta < < eta < < eta < -0.5
1.0 < eta < < eta < < eta < 1.0
Resolution at different eta’s 2.0 < eta < < eta < 2.0
RMS (Black) and Sigma (Red) at eta
QCD background Full Production Background mimics Higgs -> TauTau signal Two tag Jets One Tau Jet and one electron Tau e- qqqq Higgs Begin by Filtering events to have a background with a Lead jet and Second jet with certain Pt requirements. As well as this we filter for a possible Taujet and electron.
Filter 1Filter 2Filter 3Filter 4 Lead Jet Pt Second Jet Pt eta gap Number of Electrons Filter Off 90 Filters: events generated with each filter
Electron Pt: with and without filter Lead Jet Pt > 30GeV Second Jet Pt > 15GeV eta gap > 3.0 No Filter used
Jet Pt with and without filter Jet 2Jet 1 Jet 3 Jet 4 Black = Filter OFF Green = Hard Filter (ON) Red = Soft Filter (ON)
Jet Eta with and without filter Jet 1Jet 2 Jet 3 Jet 4 Black = Filter OFF Red = Filter ON
Delta Eta Black = Filter OFF Red = Filter ON
Full Production Filter that asks for Lead Jet Pt > 30GeV, Second Jet Pt > 15GeV and eta gap > 3.0 We have at least events with filters generated daily (about 5% of events pass filter). About 40GB/day Expect about 52 electrons of which 4-5 have Pt>20GeV to be generated daily.
Results so far… Identifying electrons “hasTrack” and Pt > 20GeV egamma isEM Minimizing background electrons, (while keeping optimum signal) Isolation cut (etcone) E/P restrictions
Identifying Electrons HasTrack Cluster matched to track by: 1) eta and phi at origin of track are compared to eta and phi of cluster. Need 0.05 agreement in eta, 0.1 in phi and E/P < 4 2) Track extrapolated from cluster to origin, at each compartment deltaEta and deltaPhi are calculated. Required to be 0,025 and 0.05 respectively. Egamma Differentiates between egamma object and soft electrons Considers shape of cluster and requires certain energy thresholds
Identifying Electrons isEM A selection tool that considers the following: ClusterEtaRange, ClusterHadronicLeakage, ClusterMiddleSampling, ClusterFirstSampling, TrackEtaRange,TrackHits A0, TrackMatchAndEoP, TrackTRT (not used now) Stricter than egamma, looks closer at the shower shape and track to calorimeter tracking.
Identifying electrons: Pt hasTrack and Pt < 20GeV egammaisEM
Identifying electrons: eta hasTrack and Pt < 20GeV egamma isEM
Identifying Electrons No CutshasTrack & Pt > 20 GeV egammaisEM Number of electrons candidates e % of original candidates % % % Number of e- matched to Truth e Fake Rate % % % %
Minimizing Background electrons First Reduction by Etcone < 10GeV Secondly: 1.8 < E/P < 1.4 Cut selection minimizes background whilst keeping signal efficiency as high as possible. etcone cutetcone and E/P cut
Minimizing Background hasTrack & Pt > 20GeV egammaisEM etcone < 10GeV etcone<10GeV& 1.8 < E/P < 1.4 Number of electron candidates % of original candidates % % % % % Number of e- matched to Truth Fake Rate % % % % %