Welcome to St Wilfrid’s Hospice Easy Read
This is St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Information about your visit.
Getting to the hospice If you come in a car, there is a small car park. The car park is free. There is also a bus stop at the end of the road.
When you get to the hospice There are two reception desks. The main reception desk. And In-Patient reception. The staff on either desk will be happy to help you. Just ask.
Meal Times Breakfast is from 8.00am Lunch is from 1.00pm Dinner is from 6.00pm
Ordering your food You order your meal a day before. The chef will give you a menu and you put a tick next to what you would like. If you want something different to what is on the menu card you can talk to the chef when he collects your menu. Tell the staff if you need help or a special diet.
Meal Times and Food If you would like your meals at different times please ask the staff and they will arrange this for you. There is also a small kitchen for patients and staff to use. You can bring food in with you and keep it in the fridge or cupboards for when you want it. But you will need to put your name on it. You can also use this kitchen to make drinks. If you need help please ask staff.
Other information There is a vending machine in the main reception. There is a Co-op nearby. On weekdays volunteers ask if people would like anything from the shop. You can give them your money and they will go to the shop for you if you can’t go.
Other Information Continued The Co-Op has a cash machine which is free to use. However the volunteers are not able to get money out for you. Please talk to staff if you are not sure who can help you with getting money out.
Day Hospice and Orchard Café St Wilfrid’s has a day hospice on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. St Wilfrid’s also has a café which is open on a Wednesday from 10am to 3pm. You can buy hot meals, cake and drinks at the café.
If you wish to bring money with you. Please only bring up to £15. You are responsible for your belongings whilst you are at the hospice.
Visitors can come and see you at anytime. If you need or want someone to stay with you overnight you can. Please tell the staff.
Your pets can come and visit you whilst you are in the hospice. Please tell the staff when your pet is coming in.
Your Medicines Bring all your medication in and give it to the nurse so that she will know what medicine you take at home.
Toilets and Bathrooms All of the rooms have a toilet and a sink. There are two bathrooms which you can use to have a bath.
The rooms all have a television and telephone which you can use. You do not need to pay to use these. The hospice also has free WIFI. You will need to bring your own laptop.
Smoking You are not allowed to smoke in your room or inside the hospice. You are allowed to smoke in the garden and hospice grounds. There are special bins for your cigarette ends.
Hospice Rules Do not Shout or hit anyone Do not touch other people’s things
Staff will Tell you what is happening Listen to you Help you
If you have a Learning Disability and need support while you are in the hospice please phone Claire Jackson
The Chapel You can visit the chapel. Or ask the chaplain to visit you.
How to complain If you are not happy with anything tell the nurses. If you don’t want to talk to the nurses you can talk to any other member of staff.
The staff at the hospice would also like to know about :- what went well what did not go so well This will help them to improve things in the future.
Contact Details For more information about St Wilfrids Hospice see our website; St Wilfrid’s Hospice Grosvenor Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8FP Tel: