“Sport and The City” Conference Beijing – 25 th April 2007 How to use a sports broadcaster to promote a city ?
The Power of Sport
Sport is not only right for health preservation and to spend useful free-time, but it also can be used as an instrument to develop and to hold moral values and honest self-conduct. Source: International Fair Play Committee
Sport is a universally understood common language -Developing a sense of community and common purpose -Promoting intercultural dialogue & understanding -Fostering cooperation among civilizations Sport teaches positive skills and values -Tolerance & Respect -Excellence & Personal Achievement -Fairness & Ethics Sport is a valuable tool to develop civilizations -Human development (health, education …) -Economic development (employment, infrastructure, environment …) -Peace development Sport plays an active role in our civilization “For each individual, sport is a possible source for inner improvement” Pierre de Coubertin
Industrialization has brought increased leisure time to citizens -More time to attend & follow sporting events -Greater participation in athletic activities -Increased accessibility Sport, a key ingredient in people’s free time -Attend / follow a specific sport event -Practice a sport These trends continue with the advent of mass media & global communication Sport motivates people’s consumption trends “Sports is the toy department of human life” Howard Cosell (Journalist)
Sport, a positive communication environment A powerful tool to communicate messages -Universal appeal -Association to positive values -Ability to reach all audiences A wide range of ways to communicate -Sport events -Athletes (as brand ambassadors) -Sports media “The sports page records people's accomplishments, the front page usually records nothing, but man's failures” Barbara Walters (Journalist)
Hosting sport events … a true communication strategy A privileged communication means -Strengthen international presence -Raise awareness & profile of a country / city -Help to position a country in the world map. A way to attract people -Sport tourism: a booming market evaluated at $51 billion (10% of global Tourism market) -Project a tourism image -Contribute to the development of a country / city (infrastructure …) By covering sport events, broadcasters like Eurosport can help countries / cities extend their visibility. Organizing sporting events is now part of many countries / cities' communication strategies.
Broadcasters’ contribution
The power of sport broadcasters Television is a mass media -Sport is the most watched genre on television -Sport generates the highest TV ratings Sport on television is a privileged genre -High emotional intensity & level of involvement whilst watching sport -Live & therefore often unpredictable outcome -A sociable genre to consume with friends / family -Less channel flicking as viewers don’t want to miss out on anything 3.9 billion people had access to the television coverage of the Athens 2004 Olympics International Olympic Committee
Television reinforces countries / cities’ sport involvement -Focus on countries / cities’ major competitions -Promote star athletes as ambassadors -Demonstrate sport practice opportunities (facilities, infrastructure …) -Position countries / cities as potential event organisers -Highlight countries / cities’ involvement in community development programs through sport Television goes beyond the sport event to promote a country / city -Places to visit -Best hotel facilities -Trendy places to go out What can sport broadcasters bring to event hosts ? As a mass media, television can extend sports events’ coverage beyond purely sport
Commercial opportunities on Eurosport Eurosport goes beyond sport by developing tailor-made advertising opportunities: -The travel guide built around sport -Sport Destination: famous & beautiful sport places of a country -Postcards: promote a country / city as a privileged Sporting & Tourism destination -Business Class: the magazine on the business of sport
Commercial opportunities on Eurosport Eurosport goes beyond sport by developing tailor-made advertising opportunities: -The Rookie: focus on a country’s sport ambassador -VIP Pass: see an event through a celebrity’s eyes and drop in on private parties. -Escape is Eurosport “adventure & outdoor” Rendez-vous -Nihao Beijing: all the latest news from the Beijing 2008 Organizing Committee (venues, test events, on-site organisation …)
The perfect package to build a destination Sport Values Sport Media Power Sport Consumer Trends I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.” Richard Nixon