Making the Change In Control Cymru June 2009
I. A. S. Supported Tenancies, Community Support & Supported Employment Work with: 4 SSD’s in Greater Manchester Increasing number of families / Trust Circles Generally a better arrangement Individually designed Commissioned whilst delivering the goods
Block Contract £500,000 for 12 people £140,000 IAS’s Continuing Journey to Real Choice and Control £130,000 £95,000 £135,000
Block Contract £500,000 for 12 people £130,000 £140,000 £135,000 £95,000 £80,000 £30,000 £20,000 Block Contract for 12 people with 3 people receiving Individually designed Service (Supported Living) Supported Living = shift in power, in that Chooses who supported by Chooses when supported Chooses whether to live by self or not Yet still a passive player within Commissioning Process and seen as ‘up for sale’
Provider led Individual Service Fund (ISF) within Block Contract Current cost is identified within Block Contract and ring fenced for the individual Clear allocation of resource enables support planning to happen £ Support Plan Life Each ISF is self contained i.e. all costs included and the rest of the block contract is also financially sustainable Service co-ordination and development costs, along with company costs, can be taken out, and direct support costs can be converted into hours as this is easy to implement and monitor 77% Direct Support 9.5% 13.5% Company costs Service co-ordination & Development
Provider led Individual Service Fund (ISF) within Block Contract Implementation of Support Plan and use of hours are regularly reviewed, involving the person, family member(s), friend(s), social worker and team leader Hours can be creatively used in differing ways: Week-end away Late night clubbing purchases
Moved into own 2 bed house Group Home = 4 people contact hours Now 180 hours for 3 people + 30 for ‘Paul’ ‘Paul’ / Team Leader monitor 30 hours ‘Paul’ can decide: –When he’s supported –Who he’s supported by –Whether he needs all 30 hours in a particular week ‘Saved up’ hours City Breaks ‘Paul’
Moved into own flat from family home 7 years ago Sally can decide: –When she’s supported –Who she’s supported by –Whether she needs all 22 hours in a particular week Really enjoys late night – clubs / dancing Needs support for this, and needs to employ staff who are happy to do this Staff are paid 1½ times Standard Rate after 11:00 p.m., therefore 11:00 p.m. – 3:00 a.m. = 6hours (4x1½) ‘Sally’
Receives 35 hours of contact time. Brian has: –Control over who supports him –When he is supported –Whether he wants to use all 35 hours in a particular week Can go through periods of low motivation and apathy. Can convert his contact hours into £ and purchase short term membership at his local gym / personal trainer time, a massage or computer games ‘Brian’
Saving up hours for highly desired activity Converting standard hours into unsocial hours Converting standard hours into £ All this possible when provider takes the initiative, and the Commissioner has similar values and philosophy, and; –Belief in working in partnership / spirit of collaboration –Mutual respect –Trust –communication
Individual Budget established by SSD and held by person / family / agent The Individual Budget brings together all the money a person is entitled to from a variety of income sources What’s working / not working. Individual Review Process allows person / representative to evaluate whether person is happy with current provider If happy with current provider, person / representative commissions service and clear allocation of resources allows support planning to happen Support Plan is implemented, but accountability is to the person commissioning……….no longer the safety of a Block Contract
Individual Budget established by SSD and held by person / family / agent If unhappy with current provider, person / representative has options: ISF current provider ISF different provider Employ own staff
Individual Budget established by SSD and held by person / family / agent If unhappy with current provider, person / representative has options: ISF current provider ISF different provider Employ own staff Development of Trust Circles as a vehicle for further developing choice and control
MOVING ON IN WIGAN People 280 Hrs + 70 Hrs w/night People 224 Hrs + 70 Hrs w/night 1 Person 56 Hrs 2 People 158 Hrs + s/night 1 Person 115 Hrs s/night 1 Person 42 Hrs (6 hrs per day)
MOVING ON FROM THE GROUP HOME Not gaining enough allies Resistance to change and wanting quiet life Not really being serious Being skilled at excuses Insufficient creativity/imagination Disorganised Over-protection Low expectations Over-coming the obstacles/barriers