The Cooper Research Group Holds Their Sixth Annual Group Distinction Ceremony 1888 PressRelease - The Cooper Research Group recently held a ceremony to recognize the people who have driven their success over the past 12 months. On Saturday 3rd May, The Cooper Research Group held their annual Group Distinction Ceremony. The awards ceremony was first held in 2009, to recognize and celebrate the performance and success of the newly formed Private Client Division. Proceedings began with a speech by Marcel Romain, Chief Executive Officer, noting the triumphs and achievements of the division as a whole. Mr. Romain went on to discuss the division's goals and aspirations for "We have exceeded all of our targets, not once have we missed our mark. Every member of our team have gone above and beyond what is expected of them to create a service that we all can be proud of. We have shown our clients that through dedication, discipline and a defined strategy we can help them to create a more promising future for themselves and their families. "I commend you all, without exception, for the absolutely sterling work that has been done over the course of the last year. It shows we have the ability to be truly excellent and that is something we must strive to maintain is to be a key period in the group's growth and continued dominance. The current expansion of the Private Client Division will set the pace for the plans we have for the future. Whilst we will still adhere to our core principles, we will strive to encompass new ideas and adapt, as we always have, to the constantly changing world around us. I am very excited about what we are looking at and I am sure you will be also." After several more speeches from prominent employees such as Senior Portfolio Managers Caroline Gest, Richard Hadden, and Michael Bailey the awards ceremony began.
Not surprisingly, the lion's share of the distinctions was given to the Private Client Division, after their incredible efforts throughout the year and especially in the current private client drive. The following is a number of accolades that were given out: The Client Satisfaction Award Daniel Stephenson, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Client Division The Client Satisfaction Award is rewarded to the advisor who receives the most positive feedback from their clients, based on a range of metrics. The Advisory Mentorship Award Daniel Bryant, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Client Division The Advisory Mentorship Award is bestowed upon the advisor whose advice and guidance is found to be most productive by their colleagues. The Efficiency & Productivity Award Lucy White, Head of Trading Floor Administration, Administration Team The Efficiency & Productivity Award is given to the member of staff who is deemed by the senior management to be the most instrumental in increasing the efficiency of the business as a whole. The Group Development Award Michael Bailey, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Client Division The Group Development Award is given to the team or team member whose input is deemed by the management to be the most contributory to the growth and development of the business. The Managerial Excellence Award D. B. Law, Head of Retail Investing The Managerial Excellence Award is presented to the member of the Management who displays the greatest initiative in terms of driving the company to operate at maximum efficiency.
The Analytical Excellence Award David Wiltshire, Senior Portfolio Manager, Private Client Division The Analytical Excellence Award is given to the analyst or team thereof, whose research has created the most significant influx of capital for the company and our clients. The Client Guidance Award James Barris, Allocations Officer, Accounts & Allocations Team The Client Guidance Award is bestowed upon the staff member who has been acknowledged by new clients as being the most helpful in making becoming a client as simple as possible. For a full list of the awards and accolades please contact The Cooper Research Group at info ) cooperresearch dot com or visit After all of the awards had been given the ceremony was concluded by a short speech from Thor Eriksen, Senior Emerging Market Development Analyst, Global Analytics Division.