Systems of the Body By: Megan Colbert
INTEGUMENTARY Function: retain body fluids, protect against disease, get ride of waste products, and keep body temp. Organ & Location: Fact: Every minute 30, ,000 dead skin cells fall off your body.
MUSCULAR Function: helps move the body and move materials through the body. Organs & Function: Fact: The body has over 630 muscles, which make up almost half of its total weight.
SKELETAL Function: creating shape and form, supporting and protecting our bodies. Organs & Location Fact: A baby has more bones (about 300) than an adult.
NERVOUS Function: control center of the body. Organs & Location: Fact: In humans, the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, whilst the left side of the brain controls the right side of he body.
ENDOCRINE Function: regulates, coordinates, and controls a number of body functions by secreting chemicals into the bloodstream. Organs & Location: Fact: The pineal gland induces sleep in our body. It produces a hormone named melatonin which controls the sleep cycle of our body.
CIRCULATORY Function: form blood clots, carry oxygen to body, maintain pH levels. Organs & Location: Fact: Blood is thicker than water.
URINARY Function: filter out excess fluid and other substances from your bloodstream. Organs & Location: Fact: In a healthy adult, almost 440 gallons of blood is passed through the kidneys on a daily basis
LYMPHATIC Function: balance fluids and protect the body against diseases. Organs & Location: Fact: The lymphatic system is your body’s sewer, the network of pipes that drains waste from the cells.
RESPIRATORY Function: supply the blood with oxygen. Organs & Location: Fact: Every minute we breathe, we take in 13 pints of air! We breathe about 9 to 20 times every minute.
DIGESTIVE Function: food you eat into something useful for the body. Organs & Location: Fact: We eat about 500kg of food per year. 1.7 liters of saliva is produced each day.
REPRODUCTIVE Function: reproduce. Organs & Location: Fact: The largest cell in the female body is the egg.