“THE TASK IS NOT YET OVER” A wise child brings joy to a farther whilst a foolish child brings grief to a mother, A tainted wealth has no lasting value but a right living can save your life, Lazy people are soon poor whilst hard workers get rich, A wise youth harvest in summer but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace, Hard workers are showered with blessings whilst the words of lazy people conceal violent intentions, Lazy people irritate their employers like vinegar to the teeth or like smoke in the eye, Hatred stirs quarrels whist love and cooperation makes up for all offenses,
Wise words come from the lips of people with understanding but those lacking sense will be beaten with a rod, People with integrity walk safely but those who follow crooked paths will sleep and fall, People who wink at the wrong cause trouble whilst wise people promotes peace, The words of wisdom from a wise thinker are a life- giving fountain whilst the words of lazy people conceal violent intentions, All wise employees are glad to be instructed but babbling fools fall flat on their faces,
Wise people treasure knowledge whist the babbling of a fool invites disaster, The wealth of the rich is their fortress whilst the poverty of the poor is their destruction, The earnings of hard workers enhance their lives whist lazy people squander their money, People who accepts discipline are on the pathway to life but those who ignore correction will go astray, Hiding hatred makes you a liar whist slandering others makes you a fool, Doing wrong is fun for the lazy whilst living wisely brings pleasure to the sensible, Happy memories about hard workers will always remain but the names of lazy workers rots away,
CONCLUSION: Farewell to all seven of you fellow workers and thank you for holding the fort up to this far! During your term at Nxuba you have shown honesty and perseverance through faith, All seven of you have never received any misconduct charges “YOU HAVE CLEAN MISCONDUCT RECORDS”. You are really good examples of Hard-workers and I’m not sure how many of us can maintain that record! I thank you for that!
MESSAGE TO STAFF MEMBERS OF NXUBA MUNICIPALITY: Indeed the task is not yet over and how I wish that you have utilized your co-workers as treasures during the period of their service. No one will bring along change and transformation to the Nxuba Community except for you and me, Now is the time to turn-around Nxuba by restoring the Organizational Culture, Now is the time to ensure implement Policies that will transform the socio economic dimension of this remote are,
Now is the time to minimize unemployment and poverty rate through the LGSETA Programs that are meant for both youth and elderly unemployed Nxuba residents, Already we have achieved a Qualified Audit opinion and we are just one foot to get an Unqualified/ clean Audit opinion, CONCLUSION:- The Future of this Municipality is in our hands and let us strive to become a lite at the end of the tunnel through fast-tracking service delivery for the benefit of this community. “I THANK YOU PROGRAM DIRECTOR”