Www.england.nhs.uk Including Governing Body members and GP leads Clinical Commissioning Group Workforce Equality & Diversity Profile December 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Including Governing Body members and GP leads Clinical Commissioning Group Workforce Equality & Diversity Profile December 2014

Contents 2 Slide no. Introduction3Religion or Belief16 Data Coverage4-5Sexual Orientation17 Gender6-10GP Decision Making18 Ethnicity11-13Succession Planning19 Disability14Coverage and Methodology 20 Age15

1. Introduction Purpose:This document summarises the analysis of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) Equality & Diversity data for all employees, Governing Body Members and GP Leads where possible. This data was collected by NHS England in May and June Audience:NHS England Management, CCGs and Professional Bodies. Notes:Please refer to the notes and coverage information at the end of this presentation – these provide indication as to the robustness of the analysis that follows. Sensitivity:All values of five or less are not shown in any analysis or chart. 3

Overall Coverage We received a total response rate of 79% (167/211 CCGs): 44 CCGs did not respond to the survey. 4 CCGs were omitted from analysis due to incorrect completion of the collection. The response rate to the 2013 survey was 88% (186/211 CCGs). 2. Data Coverage 4

2. Data Coverage Characteristic Coverage Below is a table to display the coverage of Disability, Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation. The disclosed and undisclosed responses (%) is the percentage of responses disclosed and undisclosed of all responses. The disclosed responses (%) is the percentage of responses disclosed of all responses. For Disability, Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation the coverage is low and should be used with caution. Gender, Age and Ethnicity have not been included on this slide because their coverage is very good. Sexual Orientation is a new addition for the 2014 survey. 5

3. Gender: All CCG Employees Overall, the CCG workforce is mostly female for each region and nationally. The South region has the lowest percentage of male employees, whilst Midlands and East region has the highest percentage of male employees. Note: ‘Undisclosed’ responses have been omitted from this chart due to small numbers 6

3. Gender: Governing Body Members For the Governing Body, in contrast to the whole CCG workforce, there are more male than female members. London has the greatest percentage of female Governing Body members, whilst the North region has the lowest percentage of female Governing Body members. Note: ‘Undisclosed’ responses have been omitted from this chart due to small numbers 7

3. Gender: Governing Body Members returns were eligible for this analysis representing 162 CCGs. For the 162 CCGs, there is an average of 12.6 members on the CCG Governing Body (including undisclosed and unknown). Note: CCGs that submitted 0 for both male and female were omitted from this analysis

3. Gender: GP Leads 139 returns were eligible for this analysis representing 141 CCGs. In contrast to the whole CCG workforce, for the GP Leads there are more male members than female. The Midlands and East region has the greatest percentage of male GP Lead members, whilst the South region has the lowest percentage of male GP Lead members. Note: ‘Undisclosed’ responses have been omitted from this chart due to small numbers 9

3. Gender: Female GP Leads 10 CCGs that submitted 0 for male and female were omitted from this analysis. 139 CCGs were eligible for this analysis.

4. Ethnicity: All CCG Employees Overall, the CCG workforce is mostly white for each region and nationally. The London region has the highest percentage of non-White employees, whilst the North region has the lowest percentage of non-White employees. The 2011 ONS census reports 85% of the working age population is white. Accounting for undisclosed, the percentage of the national CCG workforce that is white is between 80% and 90%. 11

4. Ethnicity: Governing Body Members For the Governing Body, similar to the whole CCG workforce, there are more white members than non-white. The London region has the greatest percentage of non-White Governing Body members, whilst the South region has the lowest percentage of non-White Governing Body members. 12

4. Ethnicity: GP Leads For the GP Leads, similar to the whole CCG workforce, there are more White members than Non-White. The Midlands and East and London regions have the greatest percentage of Non-White GP lead members, whilst the South region has the lowest percentage of Non-White GP members. However, there is large percentage of undisclosed responses across all regions. 13 Ethnicity Response: N = 890 Coverage: n = 678 p = 76.2%

5. Disability: All CCG Employees Overall, the CCG workforce is mostly non-disabled for each region and nationally. However, there is a large percentage of undisclosed information for all regions. 14

6. Age: All CCG Employees Overall, the majority of the CCG workforce is aged between 35 and 54. The under 25s and over 65s are a small percentage of employees for each region and nationally. Note: ‘Undisclosed’ responses have been omitted from this chart due to small numbers 15

7. Religion or Belief: All CCG Employees Overall, the CCG workforce has more Christian employees than any other religion or belief, for each region and nationally. The London region has the greatest percentage of Islam and Other religious beliefs. There is a large percentage of undisclosed information for all regions. 16

8. Sexual Orientation: All CCG Employees The majority of employees in CCGs are Heterosexual. However, there is a large percentage of undisclosed information for all regions. 17 Note: ‘’Other’ includes bisexual, gay man and lesbian woman

9. GP decision making This year the survey included a set of optional questions to gauge whether sessional GPs are engaged in decision making in the CCG. The results of which are below. Note: blanks were omitted from this analysis. Q1. Does the CCG constitution allow sessional GPs to vote and to become members of the governing body? Total responses: 99 Q2. Does the CCG constitution allow all GPs (regardless of contractual status) the opportunity to take on leadership roles? Total responses: 104 Yes88 No10 Don't know1 Yes94 No8 Don't know2 Q3. Does the CCG have a named list of salaried GPs it uses for regular communication? Total responses: 105 Yes77 No24 Don't know4 Q4. Does the CCG have a named list of locum GPs it uses for regular communication? Total responses: 105 Yes38 No54 Don't know13 18

10. CCG Succession Planning 19 Q5. Does the CCG have a talent development plan that will identify, encourage and support: a) Future GP leaders? Total Responses: 95 Yes 57 No 36 Don't know 2 b) Sessional GPs as future GP leaders? Total Responses: 93 Yes 47 No 41 Don't know 5 The survey included further optional questions about succession planning within CCGs.

11. Coverage and Methodology 20 For each variable, a coverage percentage has been given based upon the actual number of responses received. This has been calculated in the following way: p = n/N p = coverage n = disclosed and undisclosed responses, used in charts and analysis. N = total responses (including disclosed, undisclosed, and unknown)