The need for gender disaggregated data and its impact on policies, and achieving gender equality goals Hamidan Bibi
Gender disaggregated data A useful monitoring avenue, gender disaggregated data is the collection of information from a sample group that includes both male and female participation on the different experiences, needs, interests and access to opportunities and resources of men and women so as to establish an accurate picture of the local context. It can be both quantitative and qualitative data.
LG roles... Community leader Provider and administrator of services Planner Regulator Major employer A key player in important partnerships
Key Challenge Lack of and or unavailability of evidence-based data Lack of urgency toward gathering and analysing data Over reliance on national data and trends
“There has been considerable progress in the collection of data used to analyse progress towards gender equality with several countries having conducted Demographic and Health Surveys (Nauru, PNG, Solomon Islands, RMI, and Tuvalu) and Household Income Expenditure Surveys (Fiji, FSM, Kiribati, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu) producing much relevant data, there are still significant gaps in data and analysis needed for comprehensively tracking progress toward gender equality”.
This situation reflects insufficient investment in and accountability for gender responsive development. Policies, strategic and annual plans, targets and indicators for which the data are collected too often use gender neutral instead of gender specific language, making it impossible to disaggregate the data by sex and conduct gender analysis. In addition, although sex- disaggregated data is collected, authorities do not usually report it and only through special enquiries are these figures accessible,”... pg Pac Regional MGD tracking Report, PIFS
“Whilst women comprised half of Fiji’s population, stakeholders interested in the gender issues in employment and unemployment were often limited in their policy analysis because of the paucity of accurate statistics specifically by sex”..... “ Policies to encourage gender equality in any of these areas (employment etc) require accurate data and statistics which clearly outline the nature of gender inequality and how the situation has changed over time”... pg 5.. Gender issues in Employment, Unemployment and Incomes in Fiji, 2007, Dr Wadan Narsey
Benefits Meaningful and a good practice that results in more valid information for planning development Ensures policies are more informed, specific Prompts thorough examination of an issue thus specific policies
Benefits Achieve better health outcomes Helps identify and redress inequity, inequality and other disadvantages Develop targeted programs and policies that assess and reduce barriers and negative impacts, and increases participation
Benefits Can adequately and effectively respond to social and demographic changes – front runner for change Planned rather than a reactionary approach Good basis for gender responsive budgeting and mainstreaming
Benefits Specialist skills development On-going activity that could attract donors, and lead to good practice or best practice
Key Barriers for LGs May not have trained personnel nor other resources to undertake analysis and gathering of gender disaggregated data Leadership not interested and not gender- sensitized
Conclusion It’s important to realise that accurate evidence- based data such as gender disaggregated data would provide for the development of a more informed and meaningful policies that are specific and targeted, and essentially supporting LG’s need to respond more effectively to the many changes.
Conclusion By making it a priority would lead to a competitive and sustainable local government, which is more liveable.
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