KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Saul Guerrero Head of Technical Development ACF-UK
Where are we now and where do we want to be?
WisdomKnowledgeInformationData Raw quantitative and qualitative values or facts that are collected by WASH practitioners The message that results from the analysis of the data The degree of familiarity and practical understanding of the information and the conscious use of good and bad practices to define practical action the extent to which knowledge is internalised by practitioners to take practical decisions, supported by a high degree of personal experience
Objectives Specific Objective Develop a participatory knowledge management system that effectively captures lessons learnt and increases access to reliable technical knowledge Promote greater horizontal accountability and experience sharing amongst Global WASH Cluster partners Overall Objective To improve the knowledge of the WASH coordination platform partners to help them achieve more efficient WASH responses in emergency situations.
This requires something bigger than a project It requires a multi-year strategy
Activities PHASE 1PHASE 2 Develop Preliminary Knowledge Management System Test Knowledge Management System on Key Themes Review & Adapt Knowledge Management System Develop Finalised Knowledge Management System Implement Knowledge Management System within the Global WASH Cluster Evaluate possible lessons learnt with other clusters and possible synergies/ inter-cluster model development PHASE 3 1.Hygiene Promotion 2.Coordination Practices 3.Information Management 4.Emergency WASH in Urban Contexts
Develop Preliminary Knowledge Management System What does this preliminary KM System look like?
Priority stakeholders: 1 in-country WASH coordination platforms and partners (at national and subnational levels), 2 GWC Field Support Team (currently comprising RRTs, RATs and RECAs) and 3 finally the broader GWC partners and other WASH actors The KMS will rely on online sharing, and in particular, the use of a fully dedicated website, a one- stop-shop for “emergency WASH information”. The web site will include quality controlled and tested information, an active link for Q&A and links to a social platform. It is assumed that WASH National Coordination Platforms will have an important role to play to relay lessons learnt from / to partners that have not easy and systematic online access (access of local NGOs to information, ad hoc translations). The KMS will encourage horizontal information sharing, but its primary objective will be to review and validate existing data and information collected by cluster partners and others. Whilst the KMS will not prioritise the collection of primary data, its use of peer-review mechanisms will provide direct and indirect guidance to improve the quality of future data. Promote and support the establishment of nationally and regionally based knowledge management approaches (when appropriate) prior to emergencies, commencing with high risk countries. To do so, it will look at strengthening options for information sharing with governments, universities and societies. Working Principles
Identify Lessons Learned, Good/Bad Practices from Available Resources Create/Identify Peer-Group to Review and Validate previously identified material Formally Disseminate Findings with Practitioners Identify Theme Identify Knowledge Gaps Informally Disseminate Findings (Peer-to-Peer) Review of Grey Literature (Reports, Surveys, Papers) Technical Discussions (KnowledgePoint) WASH Partner Organisations WASH Coordination Platforms GWC SAG Promote/facilitate the research required for gaps identified
Who is going to be doing the leg-work?
Level of Involvement PHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3 Involvement of WASH Partners & CAST Involvement of Steering Group
When is this kicking off?