‘Skill Focus: Results Focussed Sonia Bate, Director & Executive Coach, EDIT Development
Developing your ability to deliver through changing and challenging times There is one constant right now and that is change. How you manage change, how you manage others through change, as well as how you manage your own emotion is a constant challenge. Being consistently focused to deliver when working in increasingly more challenging environments is tough. This webinar highlights the leadership behaviours required to deliver and implement in the ‘new normal’.
Developing your ability to deliver through changing and challenging times This session will: build your understanding of what is required of leaders today to deliver in what is deemed as the ‘new normal’ a workplace full of changing priorities look at the skills needed to focus on managing the emotion of others through change whilst staying results focused provide examples of coping strategies to inspire others through change, whilst maintaining your own positive mind-set
Adapted from Gardenschwartz & Rowe Complexity of Self
6 “Go on test yourself on mediocre mountain...” Andy Cope - Author: The Art of Being Brilliant
VUCA Leaders & the future of work 7 VolatileUncertain Complex Ambiguous
Focusing on Performance 8 Developing Capability Delivering Results
9 ”Change is the window through which the future enters your life” Contentment Denial Renewal Confusion
10 Recognise it as soon as possible Identify key stakeholders and ensure understanding Enjoy being there Focus on action and results Face reality Let go of the old Contentment Denial Renewal Confusion Maintenance Continuous improvement Check-ups Bringing the change home Share and test information Focus on short term goals Listen to your inner voice Be guided by your values
Thinking capability Consistently applying more creative solutions to business problems and issues Generating powerful new ideas to meet customer needs Taking a truly creative approach in presenting to customers Applying new thinking to strategy development and visioning 11
Challenging Assumptions 12 Think of 5 questions which challenge the assumptions of your business
Reversals "Why are wheels round?“ "Why do people have two legs?" 13
Territory Mapping Where is the business going? Where are the markets going? What are the competitors doing? What will our customers need in 5, 10, 15 and 20 years? Draw a blue sky picture with no boundaries 14
Your leadership “To raise new questions, new possibilities to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science” Albert Einstein
Skill/Will matrix 16 High Will Low Will High SkillLow Skill
Building Confidence to Act What builds confidence in others? What destroys confidence in others? What is your role as a leader in building confidence? What are the things which get in the way? 18
Building Confidence to Act 19