Heart-broken, the old, sad man sat alone in the darkest corner. He was so lonely and he didn’t want to speak much. He was as still as a statue apart from his fingers gently pressing the keys of his black piano. He sighed.
Slowly appearing, Roy’s missed, loved wife came to join her husband one last time. Sat huddled up closely together, his ghostly wife, Janet, discretly played along. He didn’t know his wife was there however he pretended she was. It used to be Janet’s favourite song.
Memories now rushed through his mind. Roy remembered his friend unfortunately dying in the war. Roy hated the war although he had no choice about it. He would miss his friend terribly. He helped his friend through every moment of his ‘recovery’ but he sadly didn’t make it.
Now concentrating on his song, his wrinkly fingertips tapped the keys. Sighing heavily, Roy blinked hard to stop the tears from falling down his wrinkleld cheeks. He wanted to run as fast as a cheetah to get away from all his worries. “This is the most upsetting time of my life!” he cried.
Memories flowing one to another, Roy pictured his gleaming face as he accepted the gift as a boy. As Roy remembered this, he felt the corners of his mouth lift slightly. He loved his horse to bits. Roy wanted Lucas (Roy’s grandson) to enjoy playing with the horse as much as he did so he kindly gave it to him.
Peering at himself in the shining instrument, Roy longed for his wife to come back, he missed her so much that no one would understand how he felt. Even though they couldn’t be together, Roy still loved her with all his heart.
Smiling nicely, Roy looked at his grandson, who was carefully playing with the precious horse. He wished he had the horse back but then he remembered that it was in good hands. Lucas sat on the horse whilst riding like a race car.
As quick as a flash, Lucas jumped on to the seat, next to his grandad, just in time to play the last note. Roy wanted to be alone but he appreciated his grandsons company.