Infection Prevention and Control Corporate Induction 2014
Infection prevention and control
How to protect yourself and others Immunisation Appropriate wearing of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Outbreaks (non essential personnel) If you are ill – do not come into work Washing hands with soap and water or alcohol hand rub
Hand Hygiene Bacteria cultured from a single hand print Bare Below the elbows
Hand-washing Technique with Soap and Water
Alcohol Hand Gel Not to be used when hands are : Visibly soiled (blood or body fluids) After glove wearing If contact with known/suspected Norovirus or Clostridium difficile
Skin Care Bacterial counts increase when the skin is damaged It’s important that skin integrity is maintained, this is achieved by: Always wetting hands thoroughly prior to application of liquid soap Rinsing hands thoroughly to remove soap Drying hands carefully Always wash hands after removing gloves Applying good quality Trust approved hand cream on a regular basis
Hand Moisturiser If you are unable to use the Trust hand cleansing or moisturising products due to a skin condition/allergy seek advice from Occupational Health Department If you develop eczema, dermatitis or any other skin condition you must seek advice from the Occupational Health Department as soon as possible.
Contact Dermatitis Work-related contact dermatitis is a skin disease caused by work. It is often called eczema and develops when the skin is damaged. This leads to redness, itching, swelling, blistering, flaking and cracking. The most susceptible parts of the body are the hands, followed by the forearms and face.
RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 In the event of suspected contact dermatitis the employee must advise the line manager, Occupational Health and record on the Datix System. The Occupational Health Department will inform the Health and Safety Manager where a diagnosed condition may require reporting to the HSE under RIDDOR Medical confidentiality will be maintained at all times, within the statutory obligations of the Trust.
Sharps Safety Use rigid BS/UN approved Sharps containers Label the sharps container appropriately prior to assembly and closure Dispose of sharps at the point of use. Discard needles and syringes as one unit into a sharps container Ensure sharps container is securely locked before disposal Watch what you are doing and ignore distractions whilst using sharps ALWAYS
Sharps Safety Fill the sharps container beyond the fill line Pass sharps from hand to hand Recap / resheath needles Guide needles with fingers Rely on others to dispose of sharps for you Leave sharps unattended Reach into a sharps container Rush or attempt short cuts whilst using sharps or needles NEVER:
Management of Needlestick Injuries, Human Bites or Splashes
Infection prevention and control……….. Everyone’s responsibility. In protecting yourselves, you also protect your patients & colleagues. If it isn’t good enough for you, it isn’t good enough for your patient.
Help and Advice... Intranet (Documents Library) – policies/procedures/documentation – Call – ext: 4969 or bleep via switchboard (Mon – Fri 08:00 -16:00) Out of hours – Microbiologists via switchboard