But… Over a third of UK SMEs do not have a website 20% are “deliberately disconnected” from the Internet Only a third of SMEs have a website with the functionality for customers to purchase products or services online Whilst the most common benefit experienced as a result of doing more online is time saving, 17% felt that they had no time to go online more often
Promoting the benefits in Staffordshire – Optimising Business Broadband ERDF funded project working in partnership with Shropshire Council until June 2015 The project aims to demonstrate to businesses the business benefits of using fibre broadband There are 4 levels of support -Raising awareness, Practical Learning, Face-Face support, Follow-up and specialist training
Promoting the benefits in Staffordshire – Women and Broadband Funding available from the GEO No match funding required Funding available Sept 14 – March 15 Staffordshire has bid for funding to work with WiRE, Chamber of Commerce and Simply Staffordshire - £67,000
Other demand stimulation activities Website Twitter Newsletters Events Flyers and posters Press releases Other stakeholder networks Broadcast media Digital advocates Digital champions Broadcast media