Michelle Mahoney Vice President Community Relations & Events
Tell us about your role at Burnett? Oversee: Leo Love program Internal events On-line global store, The Leo Shop
How long have you been in this role? Been at the agency for 21 years Reputation & Communication Department for 4 years Launched Leo Love in 2013
How did you get in this department? Streamline and focus how to give back to the community from an internal and external focus Strengthens Burnett’s reputation in the community Natural fit within the Reputation & Communication Department
What is your favorite part about your job? “It makes me happy knowing what I am doing is helping the community.” Working directly with our non-profit partners Doing crafts with the kids along side our employee volunteers Leading a city wide committee for a big gala fundraiser
What is the most stressful part about your job? It’s challenging when we have 6 events going on at one time and in planning stages for another 6, On top of that coordinating with our lead teams and volunteers on Leo Love efforts At the same time helping our US and Global teams with Leo Shop swag for their upcoming initiatives
Can you describe some of the charities you work with? Our filter of focus is to partner with non-profits that support: Children (our future) Creativity (our talent) Chicago (our home)
What was the most impactful thing you’ve been apart of at Burnett? Leo Burnett project managed Off The Street Club’s parking lot Created a playground, splashpad & garden Developed a safe place out of an empty parking lot for hundreds of kids to use
Where does your passion for helping the community come from? “All I can say is it’s in my DNA” To be able to take my personal passion for giving back and also have it become my career is something I never dreamed of Giving back to those in need are a top priority
What is Burnett's role in giving back? Numerous ways to give back every day: Board member Designing a new brand identity Tutoring the kids Donating directly from your paycheck
What are your goals for the future? Take Leo Love Global Sharing our initiatives with our 90+ Leo Burnett offices to create a more impactful program
Why do you think advertising agencies give back to their communities? “We have such an amazing amount of diversity and passion across the network to share that it’s just the right thing to do.”
How do you think advertising has evolved in regards to philanthropy? Clients putting more and more importance on being philanthropic Campaigns that have a giving back or pay it forward element brings together and benefits everyone involved It is a true sense of community
How do you define social marketing? The best way to define it is to actually recite the official definition: “ Social marketing seeks to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good.”
What advice do you have for students interested in social marketing? Get involved ad agencies that have clients who value social marketing and vice versa Leo Burnett partners with clients such as: Proctor & Gamble Coca Cola Kellogg’s Miller Coors McDonald’s And more..
What is the future of social marketing? Every product group (i.e. dish detergent) or service (i.e. cable) will have at least one option that gives back for the greater good