ACC Austin October CLE Luncheon October 17, 2013
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Managing Your Trademark Portfolio: Top 10 Tips for the In-House Counsel Erin Hennessy Bracewell & Giuliani Association of Corporate Counsel CLE Luncheon October 17, 2013
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 3 1.Choose a Mark You Can Protect. Spectrum of distinctiveness A means for determining a mark’s inherent distinctiveness or strength. Also determines a trademark’s scope of protection. The more distinctive the mark, the greater its level of legal protectability.
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 4 2.Trademark Clearance Tips Conduct trademark clearance before you launch the product. Trademark Clearance = Risk Management
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 5 2.Trademark Clearance Tips Consider life-cycle of product or service. Not one size fits all. Cost control
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 6 2.Trademark Clearance Tips Streamline the Clearance Process
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 7 2.Trademark Clearance Tips Train Marketing Team to Do Quick “Knock-Out” Searches
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 8 2.Trademark Clearance Tips When you are doing the searching, use RED, YELLOW, GREEN indicators to indicate risk.
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 9 2.Trademark Clearance Tips If you are in a specialized industry, include industry-specific databases in your preliminary searches. Gaming, Music,, iTunes Software,
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 10 2.Trademark Clearance Tips Be Creative!! How can you turn a “no” into a “yes”?
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 11 3.Conduct Trademark Basics Training Seminars for Marketing Team on Regular Basis.
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Establish Policies for Proper Trademark Use – Internally and Externally PROPER TRADEMARK USE STARTS AT HOME!
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 13 5.Leverage Your Domain Name Portfolio Are all domain names pointing to home site? Monetization? Can legal be a revenue stream? Are you tracking launch of new gTLDs?
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 14 6.Be proactive! (part I) Trademark Searching Trademark Watch Programs File Trademark Registrations with Customs Ebay VeRO Program Monitor Social Media
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Monitor Competitors
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Be Creative! (part II) – Enforcement “Duty to Enforce” Carefully Consider Best Approach.
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Make Sure You Have Rights to Use Third-Party IP
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London Negotiate Outside Counsel Fees Flat fees? Alternative fee arrangements – monthly spends, etc.
| Houston Austin Dallas Connecticut New York San Antonio Washington, D.C. Seattle Dubai London 19 THANK YOU!
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