Watertown Urban Mission Strategic Plan October
Watertown Urban Mission Mission To serve the community, jointly and ecumenically, in such a way as to make the compassion and reconciling purpose of God felt wherever there is human need. Services Bridge Program Christian Care Center Critical Needs Dollar Dinners Food Pantry Food $en$e HEARTH Program Impossible Dream Thrift store St. Dimas Fund Wheels-for-Work GOALS Increase branding and recognition of all programs as part of the Mission Sources of Funding Government contracts Cash donations from area churches Judicatory Fundraising, Foundation & Corporate Support Impossible Dream Thrift Store GOALS Increase private foundation and individual donations by 20% in each category Decrease reliance on government contracts Have Bridge, Wheels and HEARTH self-sustaining by Increase prices in the Impossible Dream to drive revenue while retaining market-leading role as low- price store. 2
3 Program Goals for Impossible Dream Immediately increase prices by.50 per item or 20% of total price (whichever is lower) keep prices in the lower 25% of thrift stores in region create a dedicated volunteer team to improve product flow so intake does not back up HEARTH Have a plan for alternate sources of funding and/or new program design that will keep program solvent after 06/2011. Have plan in place by February 2011, with funding commitment by end of April Bridge Look for alternate sources of funding, with a goal to have program self-supporting by end of 2011 Consider staff certification in substance abuse counseling if (a) additional funding is received to make program break even, and (b) it can be demonstrated that certification will increase base by >10% or improve client success by >20% Food Pantry Cross train staff with critical needs for times of greatest volume Consider moving intake area as part of the facilities/capital improvement assessment Wheels By June 2011, have a plan for alternative funding and car sources. Consider partnership with car dealership Consider putting Mission funds towards a revolving loan fund Look for Community Foundation and/or other sources of private funding to support. Critical Needs Cross train additional staff throughout 2011 (both for additional volume, and in case Wheels should not continue after 2011.) By end of 2011, identify sources of funds to offset the prescription Christian Care Implement some light case management for the clients By middle of 2012, identify some sources of direct funding for the program Recognize, quantify and communicate the volunteer value provided by the participants
4 Operational Goals Values Create branding themed around: “A hand up rather than a hand out” Remain known as the go-to agency Organizational Design Succession of the Executive Director Hire a marketing and development professional to oversee volunteers, PR, and fundraising (suggest VP level) Revise Food Pantry Director job description to focus on pantry management and possibly assist with grant writing Streamline governing board to 15 members Create advisory board with representatives from the community, clients, and all sponsoring parishes Program Delivery Focus on communications throughout the organization Begin regular staff meetings to discuss program updates, planning and program needs, and evaluation Focus on outcomes reporting for PR and fundraising benefit Assess volunteer and client satisfaction on a regular basis Future program planning to pay special attention to: Transportation needs Senior needs Mental health Infrastructure & Facilities Prioritize capital needs based on: a)Analysis of space needs b)Spruce-up/fix-up effort to make current space more inviting c)An understanding of the cost per square foot of each program and appropriate allocations of indirect cost Create IT plan to ensure strong data collection and reporting
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS GoalsObjectivesTacticsMeasures 1. Create a succession plan for Mary Ensure consistently strong operations while planning for future organizational needs Recruit and train an exec team to expand on current performance and strengthen operations Hiring and retention of new executive director 2. Create a stronger executive skill base with marketing, development and volunteer management experience Create a dedicated role for marketing, fundraising and volunteer management Church giving Foundation giving Individual giving #s of new volunteers 3. Increase internal and external communications in order to increase recognition and support for Mission programs Retain and be recognized for our Christian mission Maintain a continued strong (and expanded) foothold in the community Regular internal meetings of staff Develop marketing and fundraising plans Church giving Foundation giving Individual giving #s of new volunteers Volunteer and staff satisfaction 4. Ensure that all staff and volunteers are adequately trained for the functions they do. Retain and grow the skills of committed volunteers Create consistency in volunteer operations Ensure cross-functional staff Drive client, volunteer and staff satisfaction Update all job descriptions and have personal goals for all staff Implement a volunteer training and retention program with different tracks: Single event Short term Longer-term Program-specific Task-specific Staff performance according to the objectives of each job description Volunteer and staff satisfaction Program outcomes 5
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS GoalsObjectivesTacticsMeasures 5. Strengthen board skill and operations Provide for consistent planning, evaluation and problem solving Create opportunities for stronger business acumen & governance focus while allowing for community input Separate governing board and advisory board Create a fundraising committee of the board Implement a program for board education and skill development Number of new board members each year Board self-assessment 6. Ensure efficient and attractive facilities and information systems Develop a 3 year facilities plan focused on efficiency and preventative maintenance, with budget and measures Develop an IT plan Effectiveness of the facilities Effectiveness of IT Overall cost of operations 6
ACTIVITY Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4 Transition of Executive DirectorX Board educationXXXXXXXXX Internal communications (staff meetings, etc.) XXXXXXXXX Hiring of Marketing, Fundraising and Volunteer Director X Development of Marketing and Fundraising Plans XXXX Assessment of facilities and ITX Development of fundraising plans specific to facilities and IT XX Update all job descriptionsXX Streamline governing boardXX Create advisory boardXX Implement volunteer training program XXXXXXX 7
Advisory Council Board of Directors (Governing Board) Subcommittees Finance (& Audit) Marketing and Fundraising Nominating Planning and Evaluation Executive DirectorAll staff Suggested Organizational Design 8