GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media GaLA Game and Learning Alliance The European Network of Excellence on Serious Games.


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Presentation transcript:

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media GaLA Game and Learning Alliance The European Network of Excellence on Serious Games WP1 Roadmap (Year 4) 1

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Agenda Introduction Vision Process R&D perspective Deployment perspective Market uptake risks Outlook 2

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Roadmap objectives To lay the foundations for a scientific and professional discipline of SG and GBL To Indicate areas of intervention for research, development and deployment expected in key technological areas To identify challenges to be overcome in order to increase the sustainability of the sector. Look at the needs and requirements from different perspectives (holistic view) –Industrial (Supply and Demand) –Educational –Application fields Horizon is set on the long-term R&D agenda 3

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media SG in 2030 SGs are anticipated to become a useful and reliable tool for learning and training. Educators and trainers will be able to select the most suitable games Support personalised teaching (L.A and Big Data, sensors), inbuilt guidance Fast adaptable (authoring tools, reusable components) Intelligent U.I.- Interface adapt to the users’ needs, and not user to the HCI Mixed reality (Real-virtual world connections) TCO decrease through reusability (Catalogues and DB), interoperability, authoring systems, Accreditation possible- SG can be fully integrated into learning 4

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Process 5

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Input Collaborative work –WP1, TC1-9 (WP2 +6) (research perspective), –SIG 1-6 (WP3), WP 6 +7 (deployment perspective) –WP 4 Market and innovation risk analysis –External contribution Feedback and input Collected via web Mailing lists Project Network Thematic events like –Icalt, GameDays, ASME, Serious Play Conference, DCH2013 (Scientific- game) –ASME,, ICE; Health 2.0; I3M, WMF (application fields) –Games for Science/Business;Learning & Development conference and exhibition 6

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media R&D main clusters of challenges 7

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Identified Challenges R&D 8 Identification of specific algorithms to detect patterns in gameplay Bridging the gap from indetifying an issue and providing an adequate intervention for remediation

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Deployment 9 An example “Stop Disasters” developed for the social and ethics domain. Integration into local communities and target populations Support curricular integration

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Overview Application fields‘ priority 10

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Application - deployment related challenges 11

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Corporate Corporate SG Applications Evidence of SG Outcomes in companies: learning & commercial outcomes Game analytics & data and privacy issues Game mechanics and learning SG development from ‘art’ to science Development of remote/mobile SG learning 12

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Risks for innovation uptake- Simplified FTA 13 The AND gate indicates that a higher level failure requires both the source failures. Failure The OR gate indicates that a higher level failure requires either of the two source failures.

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Outlook Different fields have very different maturity on –Implemented technical solution –Access to funding and investment –Needs (example collaboration in game) –The reuse of existing technologies requires adaption –Accreditation is a main barrier for fully integration of SG in learning –Neuroscience field will support more advances LA –Integration costs too much time and requires specific skills Easy to handle authoring tools Best case studies One stop experience important for several application domains –Markets and more innovative business models necessary 14

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Outlook Defense domain roadmap Wave of innovations, high diffusion- good integration into learning Virtual - real world Utility of learning experience Library (reusability) Standard for training (standards) IPR concern civil/military licensing Personalisation Building collaboration High realism and fidelity (simulation model, heavy calc.) Personalisation Building collaboration High realism and fidelity (simulation model, heavy calc., processing time) Representation of complexity Representation of complexity

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Outlook HH domain roadmap Maximise the visit experience and engagement Awareness raising (game)- real visit- Advanced 3D models IPR not relevant (in house) Mostly advergames Smart management HCI personlised experience High realism and fidelity Smart management HCI personlised experience High realism and fidelity Emotional engagement Representation of complexity Accreditation New innovative business models Accreditation Integration into learning Emotional engagement Representation of complexity

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Outlook Learning analytics research roadmap Streamline game- specific trace aggregation Automatic assessment and reliability Identify flow/engagement Application beyond a single game Identify flow/engagement Application beyond a single game Framework on LA Traceability elementary raw data (like clicks and mouse movements) Streamline game-specific trace aggregation Automatic assessment and reliability Identify flow/engagement Application beyond a single game

GaLA Final Review European Commission Information Society and Media Thank you for your attention! Roadmap available: map-for-r-d 18