Hand Force Analysis to Optimize Swimming Technique Rod Havriluk, Ph.D. Swimming Technology Research
Hand Force Analysis Method Examples & Model Development Learning Strategies Force Variations Model
Model is Based on Science Faster Skill Development Avoid Injury Benefits for Coach
Hand Force Analysis Previous Research Principles of Physics Source for Information
Aquanex Test Preparation
Underwater Camera
Test Procedure
Immediate Feedback
Breaststroke Pull
Hand Force Variations Human Model
Force and Velocity
Butterfly Pull
MONA Butterfly
Backstroke Push
MONA Backstroke
Breaststroke Outward Scull
MONA Breaststroke
Freestyle Push
MONA Freestyle
Modél Optimál Natación Biomechanical Model Minimum Resistance Maximum Propulsion Maximum Stroke Length Maximum Stroke Rate Minimum Shoulder Stress MONA
Shoulder Anatomy
Shoulder Stress
More Shoulder Stress
Maximum Shoulder Stress
Minimal Force
Force Increase
Time0 sec.35 sec.82 sec Event Hand Force Generation Begins Hands Submerge Below Shoulders Hand Force Generation Ends Proportion of Stroke Cycle 0%43%100% Wasted 43% of Stroke Cycle Becker & Havriluk, 2010
Effective Arm Entry
Ineffective Arm Entry
Time of Exposure
Effective Arm Entry
Physiology - Quality vs Quantity Anatomy - Injury potential Skill-learning - Reinforce limitations Progress Issues
Traditional Deliberate Type of Practice
Streamline Cues 1.One hand on top of the other 2.Elbows locked 3.Upper arms squeezing ears 4.Vision directed at bottom of pool directly beneath head 5.Legs straight 6.Toes pointed 7.Feet together
Deliberate Practice Effect Jefferies, et al 2012
Practice Effect
Deliberate Practice Clear instructions Appropriate task difficulty Sufficient number of repetitions Immediate feedback Individualized supervision Variety of learning strategies Stay in cognitive and associative stages Replicate superior performance
Hand Force Analysis Method Examples & Model Development Learning Strategies Summary
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