1 An Evaluation: University of Wisconsin System Staffing Legislative Audit Bureau October 2004
2 Change in Operating Expenditures FY to FY Funding SourceFY FY Change Program Revenue $1,157.1$1, % GPR , Federal Revenue Segregated Revenue Total $2,450.4 $3, (In Millions)
3 Change in Operating Expenditures FY to FY
4 Permanent, Project, and LTE Positions Status March 1998 March 2003March 2004 One-Year Change (March 2003 to March 2004) Permanent27, , , LTE1,517.41,308.01, Project Total28, , , (Full-Time Equivalents)
5 Change in Filled Positions, by Position Type Position Type March 2004 Five-Year Change (March 1998 to March 2003) One-Year Change (March 2003 to March 2004) Professional Non-faculty13, , Faculty8, Clerical and Secretarial3, Service/Maintenance3, Management1, Technical and Paraprofessional1, Skilled Crafts Total31,971.83,
6 UW System Activity Codes for Filled Positions, March 2004 ActivityPositionsPercentage Instruction10, % Research 6, Public Service 2, Institutional Support 2, Academic Support 3, Student Services 2, Physical Plant 2, Auxiliary Enterprises 1, Farm Operations Total31, %
7 Administrative Positions as of March 2004 Position Type Coded as Institutional Support Coded as Other ActivitiesTotal Management ,048.21,403.6 Clerical and Secretarial ,217.63,515.3 Professional Non-faculty 1,046.51,336.52,383.0 Technical and Paraprofessional Other Total2,212.65,825.18,037.7 (Full-Time Equivalents)
8 Two Views of UW System Staffing (Full-Time Equivalents)
9 Two Views of UW System Administrative Expenditures (In Millions)
10 Annual Salary Ranges for Unclassified Staff RangesFull-TimePart-TimeTotal Less than $20,000277,7867,813 $20,000 to $50,0006,9622,8989,860 More than $50,0008, ,067 Total15,75310,98726,740 Does not include payments to faculty or other staff who perform additional work during the summer.
11 Hourly Wage Rates for Classified Staff RangesFull-TimePart-TimeTotal Less than $10 per hour $10 to $15 per hour3, ,299 $15 to $20 per hour2, ,708 $20 or more per hour2, ,356 Total8,7291,2539,982
12 Monthly Salary Costs Institution Five-Year Change (March 1998 to March 2003) One-Year Change (March 2003 to March 2004) System Administration 57.1% 9.1% Colleges Milwaukee Madison Parkside Extension Green Bay Platteville River Falls Oshkosh La Crosse Superior Whitewater Stout Eau Claire Stevens Point Total
13 UW System Annual Salaries of $100,000 or More Position Type March 1998 March 2003 March 2004 Five-Year Change (March 1998 to March 2003) Faculty % Management Professional Non- faculty Total3491,2281, Does not include any funding provided by foundations.
14 Contractual Services Expenditures u $84.8 million spent in FY –$10.5 million in Institutional Support u $7.8 million spent in Institutional Support at System Administration u $800,000 in administrative expenditures were coded incorrectly
15 Legislative Considerations u To what degree should the Legislature control the number and types of positions in UW System? u How will the relationship between UW System and the State be defined in the future? u How will student access to UW System be maintained?
16 Operating Costs per Full-Time Equivalent Student FY CampusAmount Madison$28,659 Milwaukee 17,719 Superior 16,953 Green Bay 16,069 Stevens Point 14,991 Parkside 14,918 Platteville 14,734 River Falls 14,590 Stout 14,281 Oshkosh 13,565 La Crosse 13,024 Whitewater 12,521 Eau Claire 12,339 Colleges 8,981
17 Recommendations to System Administration u Provide periodic reports on executive compensation from outside sources u Guide the institutions to ensure consistency in coding contractual expenditures u Seek statutory changes to streamline position reporting u Report by February 2005 on proposed reductions in administrative expenditures
18 An Evaluation: University of Wisconsin System Staffing Legislative Audit Bureau October 2004