Forest Practices Code Transition Roads With Ron Davis Chief Engineer, MOF
Roads Road Changes Summary Streamline process by removing joint approvals and most DM approvals Move from process to results wherever possible through transition Streamlining through consolidation by removing overlap and duplication
Roads What is the intent of the Changes Move from rules to results wherever possible during the transition period
Roads Simplified Roads Cycle
Roads Wherever professional design content has been specified by the joint practices board (engineers and foresters) no professional content is specified in the Road Regulation RLAD still must be prepared before road is constructed or modified RLAD content requirements reduced: MAP - location of road with stream or lake crossings Planning & Design Changes - RLAD Content
Roads RLAD content requirements reduced: results of visual and archeological assessments, where required where roads cross unstable terrain, measures to provide stability (note: no terrain stability field assessment specified) Planning & Design Changes RLAD Content - continued
Roads DM approval for RLAD required only in 3 circumstances Work in riparian management areas, other than crossings Within 100 m upstream of a known licensed community water supply intake If crossing an unstable or potentially unstable area, where the licensee proposes measures that will not result in the least likelihood of landslides Planning & Design Changes Approvals
Roads In any one of the 3 circumstances (potential high risk) licensee will submit RLAD for approval Required content: Map results of visual and archeological assessments Measures for unstable terrain Rationale for proposed option Planning & Design Changes Approvals - continued
Roads Establishes new peak flow criteria for bridges and culverts with a planned life of the structure at the site of up to 3 years (Q 10 ) Planning & Design Changes Drainage
Roads Site preparation procedures reduced to stability result for most situations Road surfacing requirements replaced by requirements to minimize sediment transport and provide for industrial level of user safety Removed requirement for Construction Surveys Construction Changes
Roads Revegetation - no District Manager involvement natural regeneration is a specified option Construction Changes - continued
Roads Inspection frequency remains the same Removed content of an Inspection Record and the need for a qualified inspector Maintenance / Inspection Changes Bridges & Major Culverts
Roads Removed criteria for the schedule and frequency of inspections Removed District Manager involvement in timing of work Maintenance / Inspection Changes Roads
Roads Deactivation Changes One level of road deactivation - equivalent to permanent deactivation and now incorporates closure of the road by erecting a barricade No requirement to prepare Deactivation Prescriptions except in unstable terrain District Manager no longer approves Deactivation Prescriptions