ON PRODUCTIVE RESOURCES ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Land and Water Rural women to be involved in policy formulation and implementation of laws, policies and programmes that relate to access to land water. To be MDG aligned and disaggregated to local community level to allow participation of rural women. Governments,civic organisations/ WARD Structures Streamline customary laws and statutory laws pertaining to rights of women to own and manage land water resources.
ON PRODUCTIVE RESOURCES ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Finance Improve access to low interest credit and loans 40% of women to have access to affordable credit by Parastatals/Govern ment Grants/ Development Banks/ Micro Financing Institutions Establishment and support of credit institutions at local level ( village banks) Develop women capacity and skills to develop sound business plans
ON PRODUCTIVE RESOURCES ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Finance Provide gender based budgets in support of development programmes for rural women. Infrastructure Provision of infrastructure development and access support: electricity, transport, proper roads, water and sanitation
ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Promotion of appropriate conservation practices Replanting of trees (Equatorial Forest), and control and eradication of invasive species. To be MDG aligned and disaggregated to local community level to allow participation of rural women. Education on Environmental Conservation and effects of Global Warming/Climate Change.
ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Promotion of appropriate conservation practices Curriculum development, reviews and inclusion throughout levels of education systems
ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Promotion of conservation practices Use of IKS in environmental conservation e.g (ecological sanitation)
EDUCATION AND TRAINING ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Information and communication Develop and implement strategies that target women as change agents To be MDG aligned and disaggregated to local community level to allow participation of rural women. Information centers to be established at village levels for easy access to services and information
EDUCATION AND TRAINING ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Human Rights Awareness, Education and Training of women on their rights Environmental / Climate Change/ Global warming Curriculum development, reviews and inclusion throughout levels of education systems
MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION OF MDGs ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Participation of Rural women Development of indicators, standards, norms and principles. To be MDG aligned and disaggregated to local community level to allow effective participation Disaggregate MDGs to local/village level for easy monitoring and participation by rural women.
LEGISLATIVE/POLICY FRAMEWORKS ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Laws, policies Rural women to actively particiate in the development, implementation and monitoring of laws and policies (WARD Structures) To be MDG aligned and disaggregated to local community level to allow effective participation Legislation to be made simple enough or rural women to understand. (written in local languages
LEGISLATIVE/POLICY FRAMEWORKS ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Different ministries addressing different resources. Harmonise legislation and policies in terms of addressing land, water, conservation for the upliftment of women Need to develop integrated programmes (Delivered as a basket of services by ministries and departments). Allocation of Gender based Budgets for project and programmes
LEGISLATIVE/POLICY FRAMEWORKS ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY International Conventions, Frameworks and Agreements Adaptation Internalisation and domestication of all relevant international and regional frameworks Participation of rural women in policy making WARD and related structures be institutionalized to form a link between government and rural women.
LEGISLATIVE/POLICY FRAMEWORKS ISSUEACTIONTARGET RESPONS IBILITY Constitutional Frameworks Governments to review their constitutions to ensure that the adequately address rights of women in relation to access to resources