Strategy Development Discussion Deck Template This is a discussion deck template for a corporate strategy development session. In this discussion, we go.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategy Development Discussion Deck Template This is a discussion deck template for a corporate strategy development session. In this discussion, we go through a 2-prong approach to growth and evaluate the merits of various growth drivers. From the 2-prong approach, various scenarios can be generated in the discussions and dashboards are used to evaluate each scenario.

Page 2 Flevy ( is a marketplace for business documents—specifically, documents used by folks who work in a business function (e.g.Marketing, Corporate Finance, IT, etc.). These documents can range from Excel Financial Models to customizable PowerPoint Templates to "How-To" Business Frameworks. Flevy was founded under the principle that companies waste a lot of time and money recreating the same foundational business documents. Our vision is for Flevy to become a comprehensive knowledge base of business documents. All organizations, from startups to large enterprises, can use Flevy— whether it's to jumpstart projects, to find reference or comparison materials, or just to learn. FinanceITPowerPoint Templates Contact Us Please contact us with any questions you may have about our company. General Inquiries Media/PR Billing Write to Us 315 W. 33rd St., Ste. 35C New York, NY 10001

Page 3 Contents Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 Concept Prong 1 Overview Prong 1 Scenarios Prong 2 Overview Prong 2 Scenario

Page 4 Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 (1 of 3) TODAYTOMORROWDAY AFTER OPTION A Boost performance of existing business model (STAY WITH THE CORE) OPTION B First, boost performance of existing business model (STAY WITH THE CORE) Next, transform the business into a Technology Manufacturing Company (GO FOR MORE) OPTION C Immediately transform the business into a Technology Manufacturing Company (GO FOR MORE) COMPANY can either work on boosting the performance of its core business and let the business continue as is This is LOW RISK COMPANY can further the first option by transforming the business into a Technology Manufacturing Company for sustainable growth This is MEDIUM RISK The final option is for COMPANY to immediately begin its transformation into a Technology Manufacturing Company This is HIGH RISK High urgency

Page 5 Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 (2 of 3) Our options essentially boil down into 2 sets of scenarios: Stay with the Core (AKA Prong 1) Go for More (AKA Prong 2) PRONG 1 Stay with the Core Continue to develop COMPANY’s core business of ible circuits Any potential M&A will be a tuck-in The primary objective is to boost the performance of COMPANY’s existing business model, which is an immediate need PRONG 2 Go for More Extend beyond the core business of ible circuits Any M&A will operate outside the current organization The primary objective is to grow COMPANY’s portfolio of offerings and transform it from a ible circuits manufacturer to a Technology Manufacturing Company

Page 6 Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 (3 of 3) Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers Our business has 3 primary drivers of value—these drivers provide a framework to evaluating growth and transformation scenarios We are nearing its manufacturing capacity, so there is an impending need to expand capacity—either through building a new plant or acquiring one We currently have process and engineering IP associated with ible circuit products To transform into a competitive Technology Manufacturing Company, we should increase our process and product engineering IP We have great customers, including the 2 largest customers However, on of our biggest risks is also customer concentration, with 1 contributing 80% of our gross margin

Page 7 Contents Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 Concept Prong 1 Overview Prong 1 Scenarios Prong 2 Overview Prong 2 Scenario

Page 8 Prong 1 – Stay with the Core PRONG 1 Stay with the Core How should we grow? Grow organically Grow inorganically What do we acquire? Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Manufacturing & Operations EXAMPLE 1 Stick to your knitting, grow organically EXAMPLE 2 Stick to your knitting, acquire facility EXAMPLE 3 Stick to your knitting, acquire like company Acquire facility Acquire like company

Page 9 Scenarios Example 1: Stick to your knitting, grow organically PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More STAY THE COURSE Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers EXISTING Reaches capacity limits due to organic growth—build new plantrication facility Organic growth of customers if incremental (and not proportional to the increase in capacity) Benefit

Page 10 Scenarios Example 2: Stick to your knitting, acquire facility PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More XXXX MODEL Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers EXISTING Acquire new circuit plant to meet growing capacity demands for COMPANY’s existing products Acquired plant also brings new customers Benefit

Page 11 Scenarios Example 3: Stick to your knitting, acquire like company PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More XXXX MODEL Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers EXISTING Acquire a new plant that can produce COMPANY’s current circuit products, as well as new related products Acquired plant also brings new customers New plant brings engineering capabilities beyond circuits Benefit

Page 12 Contents Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 Concept Prong 1 Overview Prong 1 Scenarios Prong 2 Overview Prong 2 Scenario

Page 13 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Highest) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 1 SCENARIOS

Page 14 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Highest) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 1 SCENARIOS

Page 15 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Highest) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 1 SCENARIOS

Page 16 Contents Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 Concept Prong 1 Overview Prong 1 Scenarios Prong 2 Overview Prong 2 Scenario

Page 17 Prong 2 – Go for More Grow inorganically Process & Product Engineering EXAMPLE 4 Transform the business, extending your value chain Extend Manufacturing Capabilities Financial buy PRONG 2 Go for More What is our strategic goal? Manufacturing & Operations Extend Design/ Engineering Capabilities ?

Page 18 Scenarios Example 4: Transform the business, extending our value chain PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More CISCO MODEL Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers EXISTING Acquire new company with existing manufacturing facilities and capabilities; and management team and capabilities Acquired company brings IP and engineering capabilities Acquired company has existing established customer base NEW Manufacturing synergies Engineering & IP synergies Customer base synergies

Page 19 Contents Introduction to Prong 1 and Prong 2 Concept Prong 1 Overview Prong 1 Scenarios Prong 2 Overview Prong 2 Scenario

Page 20 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Full satisfaction) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 2 SCENARIOS

Page 21 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Full satisfaction) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 2 SCENARIOS

Page 22 Scenarios Dashboard PRONG 1 Stay with the Core PRONG 2 Go for More IMPACT ON CORE DRIVERS OF VALUE CORE OBJECTIVES Revenue growth 1  345(Full satisfaction) Margin growth 123  5(Full satisfaction) CORPORATE RISKS Direct labor unrest 12345(Full satisfaction) Customer concentration 12345(Full satisfaction) Pricing and margin pressures 12345(Full satisfaction) Technology innovation 1  345(Full satisfaction) Talent management, BCP 12345(Full satisfaction) TECH MFG COMPANY 12345(Full satisfaction) EVALUATION CRITERIA Manufacturing & Operations Process & Product Engineering Customers OVERVIEW FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Filler text DASHBOARD TEMPLATE FOR PRONG 2 SCENARIOS


Page 24 Have you downloaded our free primer on Strategy Development & Strategy Execution? PARTIAL PREVIEW Download our primer on Strategy Development Strategy Execution for Free here: DESCRIPTION Strategy without execution is merely theory. Many companies develop robust strategies, but struggle with operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps. This 54-slide presentation introduces 12 powerful business frameworks spanning both Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. Topics covered include: Porter's Five Forces, Consolidation-Endgame Curve, Hoshin Kanri, Product Lifecycle, Consumer Adoption Curve, Balanced Scorecard, Blue Ocean Strategy, BCG Matrix, SWOT, PEST, Marketing Mix, Organizational Hurdles.

Page 25 Why is that only 20% of the sales team generate such a disproportionate amount of the sales? What if you were to only hire the “best of the best?” THE 16 HUMANISTIC ATTRIBUTES + BEHAVIORAL QUADRANT Download the Fiaccabrino Selection Process Primer for Free here: DESCRIPTION In most sales organizations, there are 2 crippling truths—1) 80-90% of sales are generated by only 20% of the sales team and 2) turnover is abysmal. The Fiaccabrino Selection Process (FSP) is a proven methodology for increasing sales and reducing turnover. It teaches you how to select only the "best of the best" for your organization. Whereas the methodology was originally developed for a sales organization, it can easily be modified and tweaked for other functions. The core of the framework is to understand 16 critical Humanistic Attributes.

Page 26 Flevy ( is a marketplace for business documents—specifically, documents used by folks who work in a business function (e.g.Marketing, Corporate Finance, IT, etc.). These documents can range from Excel Financial Models to customizable PowerPoint Templates to "How-To" Business Frameworks. Flevy was founded under the principle that companies waste a lot of time and money recreating the same foundational business documents. Our vision is for Flevy to become a comprehensive knowledge base of business documents. All organizations, from startups to large enterprises, can use Flevy— whether it's to jumpstart projects, to find reference or comparison materials, or just to learn. FinanceITPowerPoint Templates Contact Us Please contact us with any questions you may have about our company. General Inquiries Media/PR Billing Write to Us 315 W. 33rd St., Ste. 35C New York, NY 10001