09/12/20091/25 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum Validation Strategy Looking towards SESAR SICTA Gaetano VITO Emanuele DI PASCALE
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 2/25 Terms of Reference Introduction to WP4 – SWIM-SUIT Validation Validation Strategy and Approach –SWIM-SUIT Positioning –Validation Process –Data Collection and Analysis Methods Validation Environment & Infrastructure –Legacy Systems Involvement and Roles –Data Filler Experimental Plan and exercises –Scenarios (High level view) –Ongoing Activities (FAA SWIM / NATS A-CDM) Analysis of Preliminary Results and First Feedback
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 3/25 WP4 – SWIM-SUIT Validation The validation is based on the user requirements defined in WP1, which are expected to cover such topics as : –Information content, timeliness, and accuracy; –Information update rates; –Safety aspects related to criticality of data shared/managed; –Security required for data access and management. The validation is based on the prototypes developed in WP2, which have been integrated in the overall SWIM-SUIT system within the WP3 context. WP4 produces the Validation Report and Recommendations for Further Activities
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 4/25 Validation Objectives Demonstrate the feasibility of SWIM as a key SESAR technical enabler Assess the benefits for the whole European ATM System Define the first lessons learnt and recommendations for the future SWIM
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 5/25 SWIM-SUIT and E-OCVM An E-OCVM based approach has been used, in line with SESAR validation strategy –SWIM-SUIT currently lies between V2 – Concept elaboration and feasibility V3 – Integration and pre-industrial development
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 6/25 SWIM-SUIT and E-OCVM V3 Current industrial system constraints Operational Improvements feasibility V2 SWIM-SUIT prototype: Integration of industrial systems and experimental implementations to begin validation of the next generations of ATM Concepts Legacy Systems Technical Enablers (adapters, data-filler)
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 7/25 SWIM-SUIT and SESAR Concept Storyboard - BT Focus on the Execution phase: –Beginning with Time Based Operations (Step 1 of SESAR Concept Storyboard) –Continuing towards Trajectory-Based Operations (ATM-4 Level emulation) –Using SESAR Data Domain Flight Data (FDD), Surveillance Data (SDD) and Aeronautical Information Data (AID)
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 8/25 SWIM-SUIT and SESAR Step1 Time Based Operations projects build on mature concepts and technology which will be refined and validated through iterative prototyping using: –operational shadow mode (ENAV Testbed / NATS A-CDM) –live trials (e.g. real data from CFMU / SEA / AZA LIDO…) as close to the target operational environment as possible. From SJU Concept Storyboard
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 9/25 SWIM-SUIT and SESAR Step2 Trajectory Based Operations projects work on less mature concepts (Adapters and Data Filler integrate existing platforms) that will require significant iterative prototyping leading to shadow mode and live trial validation. From SJU Concept Storyboard
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 10/25 Validation Process Technical Validation –No legacy systems involved –Core Functionality Validation –Performance Measurement Pseudo Operative Validation –Legacy systems involved –Real or plausible simulated data (i.e. using Data Filler) –Measurement of operative impact on typical use cases Technical Validation Local Integration Overall Integration Pseudo Operative Validation Input WP2 Test Plan WP3 E-OCVM Validation Steps Mapping V2 V3
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 11/25 Validation Goals and KPAs SWIM-SUIT Validation Goals Related SESAR KPAs Technical Validation Sessions Pseudo Operative Validation Sessions The benefits in terms of highlighted KPAs will be measured using Validation Plan metrics
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 12/25 Data Collection and Analysis Methods Technical and Human Factor data gathering methods : –System Data recordings and logs –Over-the-Shoulder Observations –Questionnaires –Debriefings/Interviews In each scenario the involved staff receives a package containing: –Execution guidelines –Validation report forms –Questionnaires and Security Modules
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 13/25 Data Collection and Analysis Methods Automatic tools are being developed to extract measurements according to the defined metrics Qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected results will be provided These results will act as an input for lessons learnt and further recommendations WP4.3 WP4.4 WP4.5
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 14/25 ANSP: ENAV, Boeing ISPOC, NAV Portugal –Typically involved as FO Manager/Publisher (i.e. whenever the flight belongs to their AoR) –Can act as contributor in relation to flights belonging to their AoI (preceding a handover) Airlines Operators: Alitalia (Lido), Air France –Typically act as subscriber or data consumer –Can act as contributor (i.e. by prioritizing a specific flight in order to suggest an earlier landing to the AMAN system ) Validation Environment & Infrastructure: Legacy Systems Roles
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 15/25 Airports: SEA BDV (Milan Malpensa), NATS A- CDM –Typically act as subscriber or data consumer –Can act as contributor (i.e. by setting the Gate Turn-Around Time or Stand Allocation for a specific flight) Flight Simulators: Boeing FMS, Alitalia FMS –Typically act as contributor, i.e. by setting a new ETA on a Trajectory point –Can emulate ATM-4 level capabilities (RBT) by triggering a Trajectory recalculation via a set constraint (Target Scenario) Validation Environment & Infrastructure: Legacy Systems Roles
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 16/25 Validation Environment & Infrastructure: Legacy Systems Roles CFMU: Eurocontrol –Typically acts as FO Publisher –Can act as data consumer by requesting AID data (i.e. via the EAD Web Service Interface) EAD/GIS: Frequentis –Can act as AID data producer –Can act as data consumer (i.e. by subscribing to a SDD source to visualize tracks on its HMI)
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 17/25 Validation Environment & Infrastructure: Data Filler Originally intended as an FDD validation utility to ensure correctness and consistency Has evolved into an additional light Publisher, capable of filling mandatory fields which legacy systems can’t (i.e. Trajectory, Flight Script etc.) Bridges what we currently have (legacy systems) and what we want to achieve (operational improvements).
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 18/25 Experimental Plan and Exercises All aspects of the SWIM-SUIT system are being validated: –Core functionalities: Publish, Subscribe, FO Creation –Typical Use Cases: FO Handover between ATSUs, FO Update, SDD and AID Data Exchange –More complex interaction schemes (i.e. D4.2.1 Scenario 9.1): A flight simulator updates the ETA of a flight This action triggers a sequence recalculation in the ground AMAN system The updated sequence is then accepted and published by the relevant ATSU
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 19/25 Experimental Plan and Exercises ATSU 1ATSU 2 New Flight Level Constraint Recalculated Trajectory Recalculated Trajectory The FMS is notified of bad weather conditions over a specific segment of its route The FMS triggers a trajectory recalculation by way of a set_constraint (Flight Level) service invocation The ATSU in charge of the FO updates and publishes the new trajectory The next ATSU takes responsibility for the flight and may trigger further constraints (i.e. AMAN sequence updates) FO Handover Target Scenario: ATM-4 level Capabilities Emulation
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 20/25 Ongoing Activities: US-Europe SWIM Interoperability Develop initial capabilities to study interoperability between US and European SWIM infrastructures in coordination with the FAA Establish connection between SWIM-SUIT prototype and Boeing US SWIM laboratories (which include technologies representative of FAA SWIM) through BR&TE Initial analysis of interoperability between SWIM-SUIT and US SWIM through SDD and FDD data sharing (transoceanic scenarios) Achieving interoperability between the two systems will provide a reference framework to evaluate performance and operational benefits to the stakeholders involved: –e.g. surveillance consumers can use Aircraft System Tracks in order to have an overall view of the air traffic status.
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 21/25 Ongoing Activities: US-Europe SWIM Interoperability Initial proposal for an architectural framework to study US-Europe SWIM interoperability: –Mediation Services enabling US-Europe surveillance and flight data exchange –These services will provide the required data translation services in order to achieve IOP: - SDD data: Asterix Cat. 62 / ASDI - FDD data: ICOG / ERAM SWIM-SUIT Network Node
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 22/25 Ongoing Activities: NATS Heathrow A-CDM Shadow Mode Application Four main demonstration areas have been identified: –Reception of an IFPL from CFMU over the SWIM Network –TSAT (DMAN) data sharing with Boeing FMS (cockpit display) –TSAT (DMAN) data sharing with Boeing ISPOC –A-CDM NATS / Air France interaction Two scenarios have been defined to match these 4 demonstration areas: –Air France departure from London Heathrow to Paris –Departure from London Heathrow to Madrid Further investigation is required
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 23/25 Analysis of Preliminary Results and First Feedback A first set of Technical Scenarios has been carried out –Endurance and stress tests show that the system can properly handle significant workloads Pseudo Operative Validation Sessions have been started –Successfully tested core functionalities such as Subscription, FO Publishing and Handover –Further scenarios have been scheduled between December 2009 and April 2010, according to legacy systems availability
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 24/25 Useful Resources The following deliverables can be used as reference for the validation process: –D4.2.1: Validation Plan –D4.3.1: First validation – session results and feedback (in progress) These documents will be made available for download on the SWIM-SUIT website (
09/12/2009 Rome, SWIM-SUIT User Forum 25/25 Questions and Feedback