Robust Low Power VLSI R obust L ow P ower VLSI Synthesizing SRAM timing and Periphery using Synopsis By: Jim Boley
Robust Low Power VLSI Previous work μm x 15.12μm = 814.1μm 2 Bitcell array layout complete DRC clean, LVS…not working Timing and decoder simulated and synthesized
Robust Low Power VLSI Timing/Periphery Synthesis } } BL Drivers BLB Drivers <- Decoder output
Robust Low Power VLSI Constraints file set_driving_cell -lib_cell NBUFFX16 -pin Z [get_ports clk] set_driving_cell -lib_cell NBUFFX4 -pin Z [get_ports {read enable}] set_load [expr 16 * [load_of saed90nm_typ_ht/INVX2/INP] ] [all_outputs] set_driving_cell- sets input fan in set_load- sets output fan out
Robust Low Power VLSI Final Steps Finish bitcell array- (power grid, add body contacts, add pins) Convert layout into a Milkyway Library Create final top level verilog netlist Place and route using ICC
Robust Low Power VLSI Converting Layout to a Milkyway Library 6
Robust Low Power VLSI Step 1 Two options for exporting the layout: GDS (Stream) LEF
Robust Low Power VLSI Step 2 Create new milkyway library
Robust Low Power VLSI Step 3 Import GDS or LEF Cell Library -> Stream In Cell types: standard cell, pad cell, filler cell, macro. If blank, default is std cell Layer file- converts GDS to milkyway. If none, layer names defined in GDS are retained by milkyway
Robust Low Power VLSI Step 4 Create the FRAM view, used for place and route For macros use Cell->Make Macro Abstract
Robust Low Power VLSI Step 4 Extract blockage- allows you to completely block certain routing layers or keep all blockage information Extract pin by text- easier if text layer matches pin layer
Robust Low Power VLSI Final Steps Set PR Boundary Cell Library->Set PR Boundary Define unit tile wire tracks Wire Tracks-> Define Unit Tile Wire Tracks
Robust Low Power VLSI Run ICC Place and Route 13
Robust Low Power VLSI Create Top Level Verilog module top ( adr, read, enable, clk, data_in, BL, BLB, WL, data_out ); input [3:0] adr; input [15:0] data_in; output [15:0] BL; output [15:0] BLB; output [15:0] WL; output [15:0] data_out; input read, enable, clk; timing_1 tim (.adr(adr),.read(read),.enable(enable),.clk(clk),.data_in(data_in),.BL(BL),.BLB(BLB),.WL(WL),.data_out(data_out) ); bitcell_array bitcells (.WL(WL),.BL(BL),.BLB(BLB)); endmodule
Robust Low Power VLSI Reference the Milkyway Library Definitions.tcl: create_mw_lib -technology../ref/techfiles/\ -mw_reference_library {../ref/saed90nm_fr bitcell_array}\ -hier_separator {/}\ -bus_naming_style {[%d]}\ -open./SRAM_TOP set tlupmax"../ref/tluplus/saed90nm_1p9m_1t_Cmax.tluplus" set tlupmin"../ref/tluplus/saed90nm_1p9m_1t_Cmin.tluplus" set tech2itf"../ref/tluplus/" set_tlu_plus_files -max_tluplus $tlupmax \ -min_tluplus $tlupmin \ -tech2itf_map $tech2itf import_designs -format verilog\ -top top\ -cel top {../source/top.v} source../source/constr.sdc
Robust Low Power VLSI Load setup.tcl & definitions.tcl Tool will complain that the bitcell_array does not have a corresponding logic cell description…this is okay
Robust Low Power VLSI Floorplan and power grid created
Robust Low Power VLSI ERROR! Unable to place bitcell array Unable to get past this error Tried creating milkyway library from LEF file, but icc was not able to recognize ports
Robust Low Power VLSI Periphery placed and routed Was able to place and route periphery cells Final dimensions: 127um x 34 um Original bitcell array size: 53.84μm x 15.12μm Synthesized periphery 5.3X larger than bitcell array
Robust Low Power VLSI Pitch Matching Goal: 1x1 matching of periphery cells to bitcells Vertical pitch of std cell 3x that of bitcell Solutions: place 3 std cells horizontally Increase pitch of bitcell Better solution: create standard cells whose pitch match the bitcell
Robust Low Power VLSI Conclusions Standard cell library cells are not suited for SRAM periphery Periphery usually consumes on 20% of total area because it is pitch matched to the bitcells Place and route tool could be useful for doing top level routing (assuming placement information could be easily passed to the tool)
Robust Low Power VLSI Why I didn’t like Synopsys No online forums for answering questions (like cadence has) Nothing worked the first time Spent 70% of my time debugging the tool, some problems could not be overcome Tech support infrastructure not adequate (i.e. working tutorials, wiki FAQs, students with experience) Conclusion: changing tools = huge start up cost
Robust Low Power VLSI Questions? 23