Warmer and filler
Why Warmer and Filler - to introduce a theme - to relax students after a hard day's work - to wake students up after a hard night - to wait for late arrivals - to provide a break in the lesson - to provide humour - to provide oral fluency practice - to finish the lesson on a light note - to briefly review something from a previous lesson
BOOKS Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners by Penny McKay & Jenni Guse CUP 2007 Five-Minute Activities by Penny Ur & Andrew Wright CUP 1992 Lessons from Nothing by Bruce Marsland CUP 1998 Keep Talking by Friederike Klippel CUP 1983 Grammar Games by Mario Rinvolucri CUP 1984 More Grammar Games by Mario Ronvolucri & Paul Davis 1995 Language Activities for Teenagers by Seth Lindstromberg CUP 2006
Some Ideas LEVEL:PRE-INTERMEDIATE 1 AND ABOVE TIME: MINUTES Procedure: 1.A good student is asked to sit in front of the class with their back to the whiteboard. 2.The teacher writes a word on the whiteboard. (for example: computer) 3.The rest of the class have to call out related words NOT the actual word or derivations of it ! 4.The “ lonely ” student must try to guess the word written on the whiteboard using the related words as clues. 5.Maybe do this three or four times with an enthusiastic class. THE “ LONELY ” STUDENT