Musculoskeletal System ( Bones, Joints and Muscles ) Dr. Walid Daoud Assistant Professor
Skeletal System Functions: - Protection of vital organs. - Movement. - hematopoiesis. - A storehouse for minerals.
Structure and Types of Bones 1.Long bones: Found in the extremities and consist of Found in the extremities and consist of the following: diaphysis, epiphyses, the following: diaphysis, epiphyses, articular cartilage and periosteum. articular cartilage and periosteum. 2.Flat bones. 3.Short bones. 4.Irregular bones.
Divisions of Skeletal System 1. Axial skeleton: Bones of skull, thorax and vertebral column. Bones of skull, thorax and vertebral column. 2. Appendicular skeleton: Bones of shoulder, upper extremities, hips, and lower extremities. Bones of shoulder, upper extremities, hips, and lower extremities. Human skeleton consists of 206 bones. Human skeleton consists of 206 bones.
Vertebral Column It is composed of 26 bones (vertebrae) separated by intervertebral discs: - Cervical vertebrae (7). - Thoracic vertebrae (12). - Lumbar vertebrae (5). - Sacral vertebrae (5). - Coccyx (1-3).
Thorax It contains 2 important organs the heart and lungs. 1. The ribs: 12 pairs (24 ribs) 1. The ribs: 12 pairs (24 ribs) -Tue ribs (upper 7 pairs) -Tue ribs (upper 7 pairs) -False ribs (lower 5 pairs) -False ribs (lower 5 pairs) -Floating ribs (last 2 pairs). -Floating ribs (last 2 pairs). 2. The sternum. 2. The sternum. 3. The costal cartilages 3. The costal cartilages
Pelvic Girdle (Pelvis) It supports the sigmoid colon, rectum, bladder and other soft organs. Female pelvis is more shallow but wider than male pelvis. Pelvis is divided into: ilium, ischium and pubis, symphysis pubis, sacrum and coccyx.
Bone Markings Projections (processes): A condyle, a tuberosity, a trochanter. Depressions: A sinus, a foramen, a fissure, a fossa. Joints or Articulations Joints or Articulations Body Movements: Abduction, adduction, supination, pronation, inversion and eversion.
Muscles: Muscles: - Cardiac muscle. - Smooth muscles. - Skeletal muscles. Connective Tissue Covering: Fascia, epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. Attachments: Fibrous attachment, tendon or aponeurosis
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Bones: - Osteomyelitis. - Ankylosis. - Osteoma. - Exososes. - Sarcomas. - Osteitis deformans.
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Joints: - Rheumatoid arthritis. - Gout. - Osteoarthritis. - injury.
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Fracture: - Closed fracture. - Open fracture. - Compliocated fracture. - Comminuted fracture. - Impacted fracture. - Incomplete fracture. - Greenstick fracture.
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Spinal Disorders: - Scoliosis. - Kyphosis. - Kyphoscoliosis. - Lordosis.
WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Upper Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF cephal/ad crani/o/malacia cervic/o/facial vertebr/o/cost/al thorac/o/centesis cost/ectomy stern/oid head skull bone neckvertebrachestribssternumcephal/ocrani/ocervic/overtebr/ospondyl/othorac/ocost/ostern/o
WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Upper Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF Arthr/edema Humer/o/ulnar brachi/o/cephal/ic Carp/o/ptosis Metacarp/al Phalang/itis dactyl/o/megaly jointhumerusarm Carpus, wrist metacarpusphalanges digit, finger, toe arthr/ohumer/obrachi/ocarp/ometacarp/oplalang/odactyl/o
WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Lower Extremities) ExampleMeaningWR/CF pelv/itherm lumb/o/dynia ili/o/femor/al ischi/o/rect/als pub/o/vesic/al femer/o/tibi/al patell/a/pexy calcane/o/dynia Ped/i/algia pelvic bone loinsiliumischium pubis anterior femurpatellacalcaneumfootpelv/ilumb/oili/oischi/opub/ofemor/opatell/ocalcane/o ped/i or pod/o
WR and CF related to Musculoskeletal System (Miscellaneous) ExampleMeaningWR/CF acromi/o/humer/al ankyl/o/dactyl/ia chondr/o/cost/al copndyl/ectomy myel/o/cele myo/sclerosis oste/oma acromion stiff joint cartilagecondyle bone marrow muscleboneacromi/oankyl/ochondr/ochondyl/omyel/omy/ooste/o
Suffixes related to Musculoskeletal System ExampleMeaningSuffix oste/o/blast oste/o/clast arthr/o/desis oste/o/porosis Ggerm cell to break bind, stabilize pores or cavities -blast-clast-desis-porosis
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