Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Veterinary Science Terminology Drills Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots
-emia Blood condition
Anti- Against, Opposing
-ectomy To surgically remove
De- Down, From
Dys- Difficulty
Brady- Abnormally Slow
A- , an- Without, Lack of, Not
-cyte Cell
Excessive, Abnormally High Hyper- Excessive, Abnormally High
-itis Inflammation
Insufficient, Abnormally low Hypo- Insufficient, Abnormally low
Mal- Bad, Poor
Tachy Abnormally fast
-penia Deficiency
Poly- Many, Much, Multiple
-logy Study of
-oma Tumor
Instrument for examining -scope Instrument for examining
-tomy Cutting, incision
Cardi/o Heart
-pnea Breathing
Cephal/o Head
Dent/i, dent/o Teeth
Nas/o Nose
Ophthalm/o Eye
Mamm/a, Mamm/o Mammary Gland
Ot/o Ear
Iso- Equal, same
Steth/o Chest
Trache/o Trachea
Ep-, Epi- On, upon
Cyan/o Blue
Neo- New
Pan- All
Ur/o Urinary system
Thorac/o Thorax
Peri- Around
-megaly Abnormally large
Post- After
Uni- One
-al, -ic, -ac, -ous Pertaining to
-graphy Recording of
Eu- Normal
-ist One who studies
Involuntary contraction -spasm Involuntary contraction
Abdomin/o Abdomen
Gingiv/o Gums
-lysis Destruction of
Multi- Many, much
-natal Birth
-oxia Oxygen
-toxin Poison
-phagia Eating, swallowing
Peritone/o Peritoneum
Copr/o Feces
Derm/o, Dermat/o Skin
Enter/o Intestines
Erythr/o Red blood cell
Hepat/o Liver
Hydr/o Water