Searching for and Obtaining Scientific Literature
On a scale of 1 finger to 10 fingers, please indicate your knowledge, experience, and skill in the following areas (1 finger = none; 10 fingers = superlative) Understanding the structure and objectives of different types of scientific papers Evaluating the credibility and validity of different forms of scientific literature Understanding impact factors for scientific journals Using CU Library: the building, Web site, VPN software, interlibrary loan Using databases of scientific literature: PubMed, Biological Abstracts, Google Scholar, PsychInfo, others Using PubMed or MEDLINE Getting your hands on PDF copies of articles that aren’t available in the database you’re searching Using reference managing software Any pressing questions about searching for and obtaining scientific literature? Anyone with a library science background?
Reasons to Search for Scientific Literature To identify and refine your research issue—that is, the questions and problems that you’ll contribute to resolving To learn the science that defines your research issue To learn about the procedures and analyses used in previous studies on your research issue To obtain knowledge, evidence, and reasoning to support your arguments (for all aspects of your research) To relate your study findings and conclusions to those from previous studies on your research issue
What You’re Searching For High-quality, peer reviewed journal articles: research papers, review papers, and maybe even something newsomething new Guiding Questions 1. How far removed is the literature from primary sources of scientific knowledge? 2. Has the literature been peer reviewed? 3. How credible and influential are the journals in which research papers and review papers are published? 4. How reputable are the authors? 5. How current is the source? 6. How closely and comprehensively does the literature match the consensus views of the scientific community?
Impact Factors Calculation of the 2007 impact factor for the Journal of Applied Physiology (JAP): A = In all scientific journals during 2007, the number of citations to JAP articles published in 2006 and 2005 = 3893 B= In 2006 and 2005, the total number of articles published in JAP = 1072 The 2007 impact factor for JAP = A/B = 3893/1072 = 3.63 To learn more, google How are impact factors calculated?
Where to Find What You’re Looking For In file cabinets in your labs On the desks of your mentors and labmates In reference lists of papers in your stash In print journals on library shelves On the Web sites of scientific journals that specialize in research on your research issue In comprehensive databases of scientific literature, such as PubMed, Biological Abstracts, PsychInfo, and so on
Public Access || Open Access The Law The NIH Public Access Policy implements Division G, Title II, Section 218 of PL (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008) which states: SEC The Director of the National Institutes of Health shall require that all investigators funded by the NIH submit or have submitted for them to the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed Central an electronic version of their final, peer-reviewed manuscripts upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication: Provided, That the NIH shall implement the public access policy in a manner consistent with copyright law. But stayed tuned....
CU Library Resources CHINOOK: CU-Boulder's catalog of books and journals ( Journals/Serials Journals/Serials E-Journal Finder E-Journal Finder Interlibrary Loan Interlibrary Loan Off-campus Access (VPN) Off-campus Access *
Databases of Life Science Literature DatabaseDescription of ContentsWeb Site Address Biomed Central (BMC) Links to full-text articles from more than 180 life science journals. Maintained by BMC, an independent publisher. Biological Abstracts Selected full-text articles from journals in all subdisciplines of biology, including biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology, genetics, botany, ecology, microbiology, pharmacology, zoology, and more. ~S3 Google Scholar Selected full-text articles and citation information for theses and books from journals in all academic fields. HighWire Press Links to approximately 5 million full-text articles from over 1100 journals. The largest database of free full-text life science articles in the world. Developed by Stanford University Libraries. PubMed PubMed Central Approximately 17 million citations and selected full-text articles from more than 5,000 journals in all life science disciplines. Contains the MEDLINE database. Maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. PsycINFO Links to selected full-text articles from journals in the behavioral sciences (including psychology and social science) and mental health. MEDLINE The main component of PubMed ~S3 Web of ScienceLinks to selected full-text articles from nearly 9,000 research journals that cover all scientific fields. =Web+of+Science
Searching for and Obtaining Journal Articles Brainstorm all relevant search terms describing your topic Set desired limits on your search Run your search Evaluate your search results Select the articles you'd like to obtain Full-text article in database? Full-text article in other databases? Full-text article in campus library? Full-text article on journal Web site? No Download electronic version of full-text article Photocopy paper version of full-text article Yes No Request article through interlibrary loan
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