Summon: Web-scale discovery
Agenda Web-scale Discovery Defined How Summon Works Summon User Experience (live demonstration) Additional Resources
What is web-scale discovery? It’s everywhere… a single search box, querying a single index… … regardless of format, source, publisher, etc.
Now libraries, too, can meet this user expectation
No clear and compelling starting place Difficulty identifying appropriate resources Confusing to navigate across resources Why are Many Users Going Elsewhere for Research? Easiest place to start research process:
Enhances library as relevant online place for discovery Easiest place to start the research process Summon solves the problem
Summon is not just for novice users “An excellent resource not only for students who need a quick way to search, but also for scholars with complex multidisciplinary topics. Summon is terrific at finding articles across seemingly unrelated disciplines...” – Instructional Design and Technology Librarian, University of North Carolina “Great in supporting my interdisciplinary research... Summon saves me time…” – Professor, North Carolina State University
II. How Summon works
The Summon Index 950 million-plus citations and/or full text from over 7,000 publishers, aggregators, A&I sources, library catalogs, institutional repositories, LibGuides Number of records:
What’s in a library’s Summon ? My Library’s Summon Critical Core of My Library’s Electronic Holdings Relevant Open Access content Library’s Institutional Repositories Library’s Bibliographic Records from ILS Catalog Library’s LibGuides
Participating PublishersSerials TitlesKey Databases & Packages Coverage Lists on
Provider records matched and merged into master Summon record master Summon record Metadata, abstract and full text joined together Subject terms preserved Authoritative peer review information DOI’s from CrossRef eBook and print content matching
Dynamic Ranking Term Frequency Field Weighting Term Stemming Stop Word Processing Static Ranking Content Type Publication Date Scholarly/Peer Review Highlight Local Collections Citation Counts True relevance ranking across all content User Query Recommendations / Best Bets How does Summon do relevancy ranking?
Accessing items Direct linking Link directly to some subscription resources. Link directly to client catalog records No URL in record: link to the OPAC URL in record: link to the eBook or eJournal OpenURL (link resolver) linking When direct linking is not available. Citation metadata is passed to full text provider.
III. Summon User Experience
Live Demonstration Single search box Search results Narrowed results – via filters, facets, advanced search, and more Access to items – direct linking, OpenURL linking Working with results – Saved Items folder, RSS Discovery of additional content – other local collections (yours as well as other libraries), citation counts (Web of Science authenticated users)
IV. Additional Resources
Hearing from other libraries using Summon Summon listserv Libraries using Summon: over 500 in more than 40 countries Monthly “Question & Answer” online session Information Literacy in the Age of Web-Scale Discovery Information Literacy in the Age of Web-Scale Discovery Recordings of seven library webinars, late Sep through early Nov 2012 Summon case studies Summon User Guide Accessing documentation requires Serials Solutions account
Thanks for participating! Corrine Kuhl Sales Engineer toll-free U.S. & Canada: