Managing Your Literature Review Han van Triest ( 高汉 )
Disclaimer Disclaimer There are many ways There are many tools I am not affiliated with any of the companies or tools
What is a Literature Study? An overview of what has been studied More than a summary Groups and organizes results Identifies room for improvement
When to do a Literature Study? At the start of a project At the start of a paper At the start of a thesis
Why write a Literature Review? To define and limit the problem To place your study in a context To avoid duplication To evaluate existing methods We cannot do research alone!
Searching: Where to begin? Determine your topic Write a set of keywords Determine the most relevant search engines Engineering-> IEEE Mathematics -> SpringerLink Medical-> PubMed Life Sciences-> ScienceDirect General-> Google Scholar
Searching: Where to begin? Find a review paper Keywords: Review Survey Overview
Information Sources How useful are the following sources? Journal Articles Books Conference Proceedings Government/corporate reports Theses and dissertations Internet Magazines
Exclusion/Inclusion Do not search for everything! Select a date range Design a fixed set of keywords Use advanced search options Limit your search to specific topics Limit your search to recent publications Search in the relevant search engines
Backward Searching Backward Searching: Find earlier references Try to guess the index First, try specific index Second, try Google Scholar Third, try Google
Forward Searching Backward searching leads to older references How to find new references? Search on names of authors on this topic
Search on Groups and Authors What name to search for? What is the meaning of the author order?
Reading the references How to read references? Start with the title Read the abstract Look at the images Read the conclusion Read the introduction Scan the references Scan through the rest of the text Write a small summary
Managing the references How to manage these references? Use a reference manager: Write brief summaries Group similar topics together Add Tags
Organize your references Create a concept map MindJet MindManager Xmind Group similar methods/results Order references logically Collect Quotes
Start Writing Write down section titles Write down keywords in the right order Group keywords into paragraphs Add text to the paragraphs ... And use your reference manager!
Links Mendeley: Mind Mappers: mapping_software mapping_software Google Scholar: PubMed: ScienceDirect: IEEExplorer: SpringerLink: Anki (FlashCards)