Grier Revised Consent Decree
Daniels vs. White TennCare Grier Revised Consent Decree
Key Provisions Adequate notice Appeal rights Procedural protection Appeal filed within 30 days
Key Provisions 2 Types of appeals Standard Expedited Medical necessity denials Compliance requirements
Expedited Appeal Time sensitive - care constitutes an “emergency” Serious health problems or death Serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part Hospitalization
When Does Grier Apply? An Enrollee experiences an adverse action regarding TennCare benefits or services (medical assistance funded wholly or in part with federal funds under the Medicaid Act) administered by TennCare through their managed care contractors (MCC)
Adverse Action Denial Delay Termination Suspension Reduction Any act, or failure to act that impacts the quality, availability, or timeliness of a Medicaid MR Waiver Service to an eligible person
When Grier does not apply State-funded services Person is on the waiting list -not enrolled to receive Medicaid services Services provided without PA Rate Issues
Provider Responsibilities Educate staff Provide adequate network Provide services as authorized Provide services consistently and timely
Provider Responsibilities Regional Office must be informed immediately upon any provider- initiated adverse action Failure may result in sanctions or recoupment of funds by DIDD
Provider-Initiated Adverse Actions The Regional Office must be informed a minimum of 60 days before ceasing to provide services Services must continue until a new provider is located and approved
How to file an appeal How to file an appeal
TennCare Medical Appeal Form
Withdrawing appeal: Recipient, ISC or Legal Representative If hearing not scheduled, must be in writing If hearing is scheduled, should be withdrawn through LSU Withdrawal form (RO or LSU)
1. Sign this page ONLY if you want to end your TennCare appeal. If you want to end your TennCare appeal and do not want a TennCare hearing, you must sign and get this page to TennCare by [date]. TennCare will send this page to the Judge to cancel your hearing. This means your appeal will end. I want to end my TennCare appeal. I do not want a fair hearing. Name: ________________ Hearing date: ______________________ APD Docket Number: xxxxxxx To end your appeal, sign your name here:__________________ Date:_________________
2. Mail or fax the signed page to TennCare. There are 2 ways to get your signed page to TennCare. 1. Mail this page to: Bureau of TennCare Bureau of TennCare Legal Solutions Unit Legal Solutions Unit 310 Great Circle Road 310 Great Circle Road Nashville, Tennessee Nashville, Tennessee Or, fax this page to: If you have questions about your hearing, call the Legal Solutions Unit at
Pamela Romer, Appeals Director, MTRO (615) Lori Shelton, Appeals Director, ETRO (865) , ext. 239 Libby Taylor, Appeals Director, WTRO (901) Jon Hamrick, Director of Medicaid Affairs, CO (615)