Contents A Brief introduction to BSi Recent Developments with BS7799 ISO/IEC and BS15000 A Personal View on Outsourcing Service Management Relationship between BS and ITIL Differences between BS and ITIL BS certification
DEFINITION The BSI Group is about improving the quality of life through the application of best practice to everything we do. We set innovative standards that are used throughout the globe. We provide all the information relating to standardization that businesses need to succeed in their competitive markets. Businesses rely on us to keep improving the way they run with good management processes.
OBJECTIVES BSI’s Royal Charter defines these as: Facilitate, sell and distribute standards Register, approve and affix marks Market and sell - Systems assessment services - Product and materials inspection - Testing and Certification - Training
BSI GROUP TODAY A well established global Service Business Presence in over 110 countries 5,500+ staff worldwide with 75% based outside the UK No 1 National Standards Body No 1 ISO Registration No 3 Inspection Company
BRITISH STANDARDS World’s oldest National Standards Body (NSB) 15,000 subscribing members 2,000 standards published p.a. 24,000 current British Standards 7,000 current standards projects 2,500 committees 23,000 committee members
BSI MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS World's largest management systems registration body with over 44,000 registered clients in 100 countries Major products include:- -ISO Quality Management series –QS 9000/ TS Automotive Management –ISO Environmental Management –BS Information Technology Security –OHSAS Health & Safety Management –BS IT Service Management
BSI MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Management Systems Assessment and Certification Training Four main operational hubs:
Recent Developments BS7799 ISO/IEC BS15000
Current Product News ISO/IEC and BS 7799 Revised ISO17799:2005 published this month –ISO17799:2000 version will be withdrawn –17 new controls – Now 134 in total (other controls have eitther been merged or deleted) –11 chapters (one more) –Will become ISO in April 2007 BS7799 Part 2 to become ISO27001 end of 2005 (November) –BS7799 Part 2 will be withdrawn BS (Risk Management) –due for publication December 05. –Will be submitted to ISO using the fast track route.
Current Product News ISO/IEC and BS 7799 ISO/IEC StandardDescription 27000Vocabulary and definitions 27001Specification (BS7799-2) 27002Code of Practice (ISO17799:2005) 27003Implementation Guidance 27004Metrics and Measurement 27005Risk Management (BS )
Current Product News BS Current BS15000 Certifications –Extension to ISO –BSi Certification scheme –itSMF BS15000 certification scheme BS to become ISO/IEC Q 2005 or 1Q 2006 –BS15000 will be withdrawn
Outsourcing Service Management A personal view
What can go wrong with Outsourcing? IT is often seen by CEOs and CFOs as “not core to the business” –IT is outsourced because the company doesn’t want to be in the business of running an IT department. –IT is an “overhead” and a drain on resources / profits. –IT is seen as “too difficult to understand” and not deliver what’s wanted when it’s wanted. IT is outsourced to save money!
Why does outsourcing cause problems? Outsource contracts are written by legal / contracts with little involvement from IT. –Then negotiated! Roles and Responsibilities between the two companies are often not clear. If IT staff are moved, moral is low. –Staff are no longer working to the same goals and in the same culture in their new company. Contracts are ambiguous and not sufficiently detailed. The Outsource company will deliver to the contracts, everything else is extra! Insufficient (and too junior) management in place within the company to manage the outsource contract.
IT Service Management BS15000 ITIL
Definitions IT Service Management The management of IT Services to support one or more business areas BS The first worldwide standard aimed specifically at IT Service Management
BS Part 1 – Specification for Service Management. BS : 2002 Part 2 – Code of practice for Service Management BS :2003
History UK Government launches IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) in 1989 ITIL defines ‘best practice’ processes and procedures ITSMF formed in 1991 to further develop best practice ITSMF approaches BSI to develop a standard BS first published in 2000 as a specification (Revised in 2002)
Drivers Move from investing in tools to develop software to managing the quality of these systems once “live” The need to deliver cost effective service delivery Lack of guidance and accepted standards Raising the profile of the IT department UK Government / ITIL / ITSMF
BS BS 7799:2 Product Fit ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9001/2/3:1994
Objectives of BS ‘To promote the adoption of an integrated process approach to deliver managed services to meet the business and customer requirements’ BS :2002 Enable the understanding of best practices, objectives benefits and possible problems of service management To help organizations generate revenue or be cost effective via professional service management
Product Benefits Implementation provides control, greater efficiency and opportunities for improvement Turn technology focused departments into ones with a service focus Ensure IT services are aligned with and satisfy business needs Improve system reliability and availability Provide a basis to agree levels of service and the ability to measure IT service quality
PDCA - IT Service Management CHECK Monitor, measure and review CHECK Monitor, measure and review DO Implement Service Management DO Implement Service Management ACT Continuous Improvement ACT Continuous Improvement Management Responsibility Manage Services Business Requirements Business Requirements Customer Requirements Customer Requirements Request for new/ changed service Request for new/ changed service Other processes e.g business, supplier, customer Other processes e.g business, supplier, customer Service Desk Other teams e.g. Security, IT Operations Other teams e.g. Security, IT Operations Business results Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction New or changed service New or changed service Other processes e.g. business, supplier, customer Other processes e.g. business, supplier, customer Team and people satisfaction Team and people satisfaction PLAN Plan service Management PLAN Plan service Management
The Service Management process Service Delivery Processes Resolution Processes Release Process Relationship Processes Control Processes
Relationship and Differences Between BS and ITIL
Relationship Between BS and ITIL In-house procedures/work instructions ITIL Best Practice Manager’s Guide (BIP 0005) BS 15000
Relationship Between BS and ITIL ITIL and BS serve different purposes –BS provides an independent standard suitable for third-party certification –ITIL provides best practices in IT Service Management It is not a requirement to adopt ITIL to achieve compliance with BS 15000, but it will make it much easier and more robust
Difference between BS and ITIL BS Service Management processes are divided into 5 groups of processes Organization structure is not a requirement of BS PDCA is a fundamental component BS includes business relationships and supplier management BS Service Reporting is a separate process
Difference between BS and ITIL Service Continuity and Availability Management are separate in ITIL ITIL covers financial management, whereas BS covers budgeting and accounting BS includes Information Security Management (BS 7799 (ISO/IEC 17799) for security requirements ITIL includes Software Asset Management – Asset Management is covered by Configuration Management in BS 15000
Implementation of BS 15000
The IT Service Management kit BS :2002 Specification for Service Management BS :2002 Code of Practice for Service Management Management Guidance Booklet ITIL Best Practices All based on foundation of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). The only comprehensive documentation of best practice for Service Management PD 0005
Drivers for BSI Cost savings via improved processes Better working relationship between IT and business users Opportunity to increase company image and competitive advantage –Via eventual BS compliance
Results - BSI 7% reduction in total incidents handled 580% reduction in major incidents handled –Due to improved recognition of linked incidents 15% reduction in SAP related incidents –Via targeted problem management Customer satisfaction high
Useful steps Avoid dependence on technical personnel There is no ‘best way’ to implement BUT: –A logical / pragmatic approach may help –Focus on current problem areas –Map problems to the relevant ITIL / BS component –Tackle the problem Timescales will vary!
Possible Implementation Problems Bureaucracy - Pre-occupation with mechanics rather than end product Failure to get management and/or staff commitment – Not sold to the organization Lack of resource and skills – untrained staff Culture - Not in learning mode
Certification to BS 15000
Certification BS is increasingly seen as the quality standard for IT Service Management Many companies striving to adopt for its benefits to them and to also help qualify and choose suppliers and partner organizations Only a formal certification scheme provides independent verification of compliance Raises internal profile
Certification schemes BSI BS :2002 Certification –Stand alone certification –Extension to scope certification BS IT Service Management Scheme –Provided by itSMF
Certification schemes BSI BS :2002 Certification Standalone certification –Launched October 2003 –Global delivery –Training course offering
Certification schemes BSI BS :2002 Certification Extension to scope certification –Launched May 2003 –Assessment as extension to ISO 9001:2000 certification –Covers the additional requirements of BS –Global delivery
BS – The Future ISO status for BS expected during 1Q 2006 Predicted BS will move into an ISO standard IT Service Management sector beginning to demonstrate increasing demand for BS :2002 certification Certification will become a key market differentiator and pivotal in the selection of supplier and partner organizations
Summary IT Service management represents a fast growing discipline BS is strongly aligned with the IT Infrastructure Library BS consists of a auditable specification and a code of practice BS will increasingly be seen as the quality standard for IT Service Management Certification will become a key differentiator in the provision of IT Service management