9/13/2007 Nodal COMS Extracts & Reports Market Requirements Review SDAWG Jackie Ashbaugh ERCOT ***NOTE: All information contained in this presentation is as of 09/17/2007 and is subject to change at anytime.
2 9/13/2007 Market Requirements – Real Time Market Extracts For each approved RTM operating day settlement: –Post a single file for each operating day (therefore, multiple file postings a day) for: Consolidated CERTIFIED interval data for Load, Generation and Settlements & Billing data called ‘RTM Consolidated Operating Day Extract’ (CODE) Consolidated SECURE market interval data for Load, Generation and Settlements & Billing data called ‘RTM Market Operating Day Extract’ (MODE) –CODE/MODE - Order of file postings of operating days is irrelevant For CODE/MODE, create a separate extract for base tables that will include an ‘Initial’ to provide the full record set and a ‘Daily’ for the incremental changes called ‘BASE’. –Requirement to have a one header, one data and one status data files –H – UID, RECORDER, CHANNEL, ORIGIN, STARTTIME (OP DAY), STOPTIME, UOM, SECONDS_PER_INTERVAL, DATA.ADDTIME/TIMESTAMP –D – UID, INT_ENDING, INT001_VALUE, INT001_STATUS…., if it the data comes to SETTLEMENTS in less than 15 min, ERCOT will send Produce ‘Initial BASE’ one time per month and an incremental as changes are made. If changes are made impacting the day the ‘Initial BASE’ file would be posted, also post the incremental file for those that are not re-loading the tables each month. File naming convention for CODE/MODE to include ‘RTM’, the operating day, settlement run type (Initial, Final, True-Up, Resettlement) and channel, which should also map back to the naming convention in the settlements calendar. Data content in MODE, CODE, and BASE should include all data necessary to perform a shadow settlement to the settlement statement. If csv format, provide option for horizontal and vertical interval data formats. –QUESTION: Is this still a requirement with the recent csv/xml discussions?
3 9/13/2007 Market Requirements – Settlements Calendar Extract Use naming convention for settlement type as used in the Settlement Statement, Consolidated Operating Day Extract and Market Operating Day Extract One available posting of the calendar with the most current data should be posted; when data is updated, previous calendar should be overwritten. DDL to include: Operating Day, Run Date, Run Type, Channel, Settlement Statement posting date, Invoice posting Date, Payment due date (pay in), Payment Process Date (pay out), Dispute Date Deadline, Last Updated Date One record per operating day, run type, channel – unique key Invoice date will be populated on each record CRR monthly and CRR annually – no invoice date will be initially populated in the calendar For NP 9.1.2(2), need to have a notice sent, as well as the calendar update
4 9/13/2007 Market Requirements – Dispute Extract - REVIEW Intent of extract: CERTIFIED extract to provide QSEs and CRRs current status of all disputes that are not closed or withdrawn, and all disputes closed or withdrawn within the last 120 days No triggering event ERCOT ACTION: What can we do to show activities that are relevant to MPs? –QUESTION: What is this in relation to? How often? Daily, overwriting previous day’s extract Market Note: Account for this in COPSMG QUESTION: What is the appropriate name for this extract? QUESTION: What NP is this supporting?
5 9/13/2007 Market Requirements – Dispute Extract DDL - REVIEW –Attachment flag – y (Y/N) –Amount award – y –Beginning interval -y –Charge type y –Close date y –Contact y –Contact phone number y –Contact first y –Contact last y –Created date y –Description y –Dispute amount y –Dispute due date y –Dispute number y –Market type y – rtm, dam, invoice –End op date y –Ending interval y –Invoice date y –Invoice id y –Invoice type y –Mp account name y –Mp acct num y – ERCOT duns –Owner y – ERCOT acct mgr working issue –Planned Resolution date y –Resolution amount y –Resolution y – granted, granted w/exception, denied –Resolution date y –Resolution note y – ACTION ITEM – THIS IS INTERNAL ERCOT. CAN THIS BE DISPLAYED? –Settlement version number y – channel (1,2,3,4,5…); come back if NPRR 78 passes to delete –Start operating date y –Statement id y –Statement type y – Initial, Final, True_Up, Re-Settlement; come back if NPRR 78 passes to delete –Status y –Timely flag y - come back if NPRR 78 passes to delete –Expiration of confidentiality rule invoked flag y (Y/N)
6 9/13/2007 Market Requirements – Dispute Report DAM and RTM statements report on same report DAILY SECURE Summary by charge type with cumulative total by operating day and status and resolution and count of disputes and market type (DAM, RTM) –Filter by: Resolution - granted, granted with exception, null Status – not started, open, adr Resolution - Denied, granted, granted with exception, null Status - not started, open, closed, withdrawn, ADR –If submitted in 10 days of statement, then must be resolved in 10 days –If submitted outside of 10 days, then have until True-Up to resolve Does data roll off? For granted & granted with exception, these will ‘roll off’ once the status changes to ‘CLOSED’ or ‘Withdrawn’ Business Reason for report: foresee financial impact; Loads waiting on re-settlements need to anticipate charges for granted disputes; give market insight Market Note: Account for this in COPMG ERCOT ACTION: Issue with multiple operating days being filed on one dispute, so unable to capture the ‘whole’ list of operating days. – this will be addressed in design by ERCOT. QUESTION: What is the appropriate name for this report? QUESTION: Frequency? QUESTION: Does there need to be any tie to the Settlements Calendar nomenclature? QUESTION: What NP is this supporting?
7 9/13/2007 Market Requirements File naming convention for DAM Settlements & Billing Extract to include ‘DAM’, the operating day, settlement run type (Initial, Final, True-Up, Resettlement) and channel, which should also map back to the naming convention in the settlements calendar. Continue providing Default Profile ESIID, Load Counts and Load Volumes reports with Nodal implementation; to be included in COPS Market Guide in data aggregation section For Actual Transmission & Distribution Losses Reports: –Remove repeating header QUESTION: Is this requirement really for any of the reports with repeating headers? –Change reports into extract with DDL QUESTION: Is this requirement still necessary with the requirements of MODE/CODE? If it should be changed to have a DDL, the header would be removed completely. –Today uses TDSP name; change to DUNSNUMBERs QUESTION: Continue to include name?
8 9/13/2007 Market Requirements Provide all new public extracts in both csv and xml. –BASE –MODE –Settlements Calendar Extract Provide an option for csv or xml for all new COMS scheduled extracts. –Extracts include: Dispute Extract RTM Consolidated Operating Day Extract DAM Settlements & Billing Extract Settlement Input Data Extract
9 9/13/2007 Phase II - Market Requirements -Interface to choose columns for private extracts -Provide interval data option for horizontal or vertical output for interval data in SCR 727 ESIID Service History & Usage extract and Resource ID extract; reports?
10 9/13/2007 Questions?